It is an excellent citrus-flavored drink that can be drunk hot or cold. Its preparation is simple, fast and easy. Its refreshing lemon flavor will surely enchant you. In this post you will learn how to make lemon balm tea taste good.
This drink is prepared using the leaves of the Melissa officinalis plant, which is a member of the mint family, hence its characteristic flavor and aroma. Its harvest is used for culinary purposes and in essential oils. Its properties also make it a plant with many benefits, including those for blood pressure and indigestion.
Its leaves have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. The ancient Greeks and Romans used them to calm the nervous system and their plants to encourage the production of honey bees. With the lemon balm you can flavor many dishes and drinks. let’s meet some of its uses.
How to make lemon balm tea taste good. What is it for
Balsam or lemon balm tea is an herb with many medicinal and when combined with other herbs, enhance their medicinal benefits, in addition to serving as a flavoring in various dishes.
Fight anxiety
Many people who suffer from anxiety look for other alternatives to treat their anxiety symptoms, in addition to medications. Various studies indicate that the lemon balm herb reduces anxiety symptoms. This is due to the effects of a compound it contains called Gaba (gamma-aminobutyric acid) which is what makes it possible to reduce these symptoms.
against depression
Depression is a serious disorder that can lead a person, even to suicide. Millions of people suffer from this disorder regardless of their age or origin. Treatment includes antidepressant medications that raise serotonin levels; these are the ones that become unbalanced and cause their symptoms.
In research carried out, it was determined that lemon balm has serotonergic activity, which is what helps combat the symptoms of depression.
Insomnia and stress
Stress is one of the causes of many diseases, it takes its toll on the body if it is not treated as it should be. The cortisol hormone is the one that generates stress in the body, when it is produced in excess it reduces white blood cells and weakens the immune system.
Lemon balm has sedative effects that help reduce these symptoms. In addition, its calming effects are intensified when combined with other herbs, such as valerian.
Fight viral infections
More and more people opt for medicinal plants to treat their ills. Lemon balm contains compounds (eugenol, terpene, and rosmarinic acid) that fight viruses and bacteria.
Contains antioxidants
One of the functions of antioxidants is to prevent oxidation and, therefore, the damage to cells caused by free radicals. Lemon balm has antioxidant effects, thanks to its flavonoids that contain phenols.
How to make lemon balm tea taste good. Recipes

So that you know how to make lemon balm tea taste good , here we bring you 5 recipes that you can use to treat some problems.
1. Balm tea, green tea and apple
To prepare it, gather the following ingredients:
- Two teaspoons of lemon balm leaves.
- Two tablespoons of lavender green tea leaves.
- Six cups of water.
- A large apple chopped.
- honey to taste
Method of preparation:
- Boil the water using a kettle with which you control the temperature.
- Turn off and introduce the green tea leaves and the lemon balm, for about 5 minutes.
- Add the honey and let it infuse at room temperature.
- Take out the tea leaves.
- Pour the resulting infusion into a glass jug and add the apple pieces.
- Serve in long glasses with ice cubes.
- Store the rest in the fridge.
2. Traditional balsam tea
These are the ingredients:
- A teaspoon of sole leaves of lemon balm.
- 250 ml of water.
- honey to taste
- Juice of a lemon.
Method of preparation:
- Bring a large pot with the water to a boil.
- Turn off the heat and add the lemon balm leaves.
- Let them infuse in the pot for about 5 minutes. The larger the lemon balm leaves are, their flavor will be more intense.
- Strain the preparation using a fine mesh over the cup of tea.
- Add honey if you prefer it sweet and lemon juice, it will give it a rich citrus note.
3. Tincture of lemon balm with St. John’s wort
This recipe is a tonic to relieve headaches or when there is a fever.
- 150 grams of lemon balm leaves.
- Two mint leaves.
- Two cinnamon sticks.
- 250 ml of water.
- 250 grams of sugar.
- Juice of a lemon.
- ½ liter of alcohol.
- A pinch of St. John’s wort.
preparation mode
- In a saucepan with a lid, bring the balm, mint, and St. John’s wort to a boil.
- Let cool and refrigerate.
- Prepare a syrup with water, sugar and add the lemon juice.
- In a jar, pour the infusion, the syrup and the alcohol.
- Let it rest two 2 weeks.
4. Balsam, rooibos and citronella tea
This preparation has the following ingredients:
- 10 grams of Rooibos herbs.
- 10 grams of lemon balm herbs.
- 5 grams of lemon verbena.
- 5 grams of citronella.
- 500 ml of water.
preparation mode
- The herbs are boiled in a kettle.
- Let infuse for 10 minutes covered.
- When cooled, store in the fridge overnight.
5. Green smoothies
You can give smoothies a rich flavor by adding lemon balm tea. Just a few sheets will suffice.