Oolong tea benefits for hypertension

Oolong tea is a natural, low-caffeine beverage with health benefits quite similar to green tea . In China, it is preferred over green tea because of its mild and pleasant taste. It’s a perfect alternative for those regular coffee (or black tea ) drinkers who want to switch to healthier options, but simply can’t handle the bitter, herbaceous taste of green tea. Regular … Read more

Blue Tea: what it is, Properties and Benefits

We have already heard about Blue Tea , it is not strange that lately teas have a color name, for example, white tea, red tea, green tea or black tea. In this post we will talk about blue tea , what it is, properties and benefits. what is blue tea Also known as blue oolong tea , it originates from Asia and … Read more

Oolong Tea Benefits, Ingredients, and Side Effects

Natural drinks are considered a perfect complement to many medicines, since their properties contribute positively to various aspects of health. Oolong tea is one of the most recommended by nutritionists, because the oolong tea benefits they are quite remarkable. The flavor of this drink is characterized by its great resemblance to green tea. That is to say, it cannot be … Read more

What is oolong tea? Flavor, uses and recipes

Currently, there is a large number of teas that are considered essential for consumption, due to the multiple benefits they bring to health. Among the most popular in the world is the oolong tea, which is a traditional Chinese tea, with a particular color, between green and black, resulting in a bluish tone. In this space, you … Read more

5 easy ways to make oolong tea taste better

It’s known that tea has a lot of properties that are beneficial for health, among them: it helps to lose weight, oxidizes fat and increases metabolism. Best of all, it is very simple to prepare, and it acquires a lot of flavor without adding sugar. Find out in this article the 5 ways on how  to make oolang tea … Read more

How to drink oolong tea for weight loss

Oolong tea, also called blue tea, has its origins in Asia and its flavor is between green and black tea, although its aroma is more fruity and floral. According to various studies, it has incredible effects to lose weight naturally and quickly. In post we will talk about how drink oolong tea to lose weight. The blue … Read more

Is Oolong Tea Acidic? Or is oolong tea alkaline?

The process used to roast Oolong tea removes unwanted odors and any acidic or astringent flavors it may have. In addition, it acquires a sweet taste that does not require sugar to drink it and makes it easy on the stomach. In this article you will know if Oolong tea is acidic? Or is Oolong tea alkaline? The oxidation … Read more

Oolong Tea During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Pregnancy is one of the stages in which nutrition must be most taken care of, to provide good health for the baby that is on the way. Natural drinks are highly recommended during this period, so in this post, we will share the answer to one of the most common questions in this area. That concern is … Read more

Benefits of blue tea for your health

Oolong tea, also known as blue tea, is very popular in China. Its name means black dragon in Chinese, the country where it is mostly grown, along with Taiwan. With varying degrees of oxidation, blue tea is sometimes close to the flavors of black teas and sometimes close to green teas. One oolong can be wildly different from … Read more