Surely we have seen those yellow flowers called dandelions, which are also known as bitter chicory. Its leaves are used raw or cooked and are edible. Along with the roots, they are used to make infusions, an ideal way to take advantage of all its benefits. In this article we will talk about dandelion tea during pregnancy , is it safe?
This plant is native to Europe, Asia and North America. In China it also grows everywhere (meadows, borders and gardens). Also, a number of natural pharmaceuticals and other types of teas are made from dandelion. Children love to blow its white fluff and it is considered a blood cleansing plant. It is also used as a mild laxative to treat eczema, gout or rheumatic diseases.
What herbs are good for pregnancy?
Is dandelion tea safe during pregnancy? Teas made from any herb can be both beneficial and harmful, so it is important to consume them in moderation. In this sense, sometimes they are not recommended to drink during pregnancy, due to their content of theine, which is very similar to caffeine. It is a great stimulant and can cause contractions, reduce the absorption of folic acid and iron. If taken in moderation and occasionally, it will help regulate blood sugar and prevent you from getting gestational diabetes.
If you decide to consume tea, it is best to do so with green tea. In the case of chamomile, its benefits in pregnancy are usually: combat anxiety, insomnia, circulatory problems that can cause the baby. It is recommended to drink it occasionally. Another of the herbs that we will talk about is valerian. The infusion made with it helps to fall asleep, but there are experts who do not advise consuming it during pregnancy. If you still want to drink it, it is advisable to do so in moderation.
Other herbs that can be drunk During pregnancy, but moderately and occasionally are: fennel, lime blossom, orange blossom, green anise, passionflower (helps to fall asleep and is relaxing) and lemon balm.
However, there are certain herbs that are indicated for all pregnant or lactating women, and have no harmful effects. The first of these is the rooibos infusion that contains antioxidants that provide defenses to the immune system. There is also ginger, which relieves nausea that is so annoying in the first months of pregnancy.
Finally, we have thyme, whose infusion is a great source of antioxidants, iron, fiber, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, it is good for relieving pain that occurs during pregnancy.
What happens if a pregnant woman takes Rosemary?
Is he safe dandelion tea during pregnancy? There is some information that lists a number of herbs that are safe to take during pregnancy. But other sources may indicate that these herbs are harmful to pregnancy, so it all depends on the source. It is best to consult with a doctor before deciding whether to use any herbs during pregnancy.
Certain organizations have made a classification (based on exhaustive tests) on the safety of these herbs, whether or not they are safe for pregnant women. In this sense, this classification is sometimes confusing and difficult to interpret, so it is important to talk to a professional who knows the herb and its effects on pregnancy.
Something very important to understand how secure the classification is, is to know what the purpose of that classification is. An example of this is rosemary, considered safe if it is taken orally, in amounts like it is found in our food. However, in the case of pregnant women, it is likely to be unsafe to take it orally in medicinal amounts. Rosemary can have effects on the uterus and menstrual flow, so it is best to avoid its use.
This is a typical example of how the safety classification changes in the method of use of herb. Also, it is known that if rosemary is sprinkled in your tomato sauce there is no risk to you and your baby. But if you use rosemary in higher doses (as in medicines), you could put your pregnancy at risk. Other herbs that carry the same risk are: ginger, sage, garlic and turmeric.
The mentioned herbs are not recommended in pregnancy in large amounts, but they are safe if consumed in food.
What effects does chamomile produce in pregnancy?

Is he safe dandelion tea during pregnancy? Chamomile is commonly used as an infusion, it is known for its digestive properties, especially to relieve stomach discomfort, nausea and gas. But it has also had other uses, such as to fall asleep, reduce anxiety and cholesterol. Due to its anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties, it is very good for relieving menstrual pain.
Among the properties of chamomile, it is said that it is good for pregnancy, especially in the second trimester stage. Chamomile has a number of benefits, including:
- Combat nausea and heartburn that are typical of pregnancy.
- Prevents urinary infections. Progesterone levels increase during pregnancy, this hormone relaxes the urinary muscles and can cause cystitis. When you ingest liquids, you urinate more frequently and thus avoid those infections that are uncomfortable and that are usually dangerous for pregnancy.
- It acts as a sedative. As the fetus develops and grows in the mother’s womb, the mother becomes increasingly uncomfortable, suffering from aches and pains. In this sense, chamomile acts as a sedative, helping the future mother to feel more relaxed and comfortable. Even if you have some discomfort, it is likely that you will fall asleep easier and rest better.
Although there is no evidence that ingesting chamomile is harmful during pregnancy, it is always good to take precautions. For example, if we want to relax, don’t drink more than one cup a day.