Antioxidants are compounds synthesized by plants in their different parts (fruits, leaves, branches, roots, etc.). These molecules are essential to take care of our health; For this reason, we present a list of the teas and infusions with the most antioxidants.
Grab a pen and paper, and take notes because you will love to know which are the richest infusions in antioxidants.
What are antioxidants for?
As we anticipated, antioxidants are substances present in different foods that contribute to the proper functioning of the body. But how?
These molecules act by reducing oxidative stress. This process is produced by the famous free radicals; In other words, antioxidants basically fight free radicals.
In a simple way, we could explain that a series of processes take place in the body that guarantee bodily functioning and during them, waste substances are generated that we could compare with the toxic gases of a factory.
These must be expelled to prevent them from affecting any organ. Well, antioxidants help free oxygen radicals to be eliminated from cells and thus prevent the development of diseases that can affect cardiovascular, brain and immune system health in general.
11 teas and infusions loaded with antioxidants

Among the antioxidants, we find polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamins C and E. Tea is rich in polyphenols, while other infusions have a higher content of vitamins C and E. Let’s see the main teas and infusions with more antioxidants.
Green Tea
Green tea is famous for its antioxidant properties. Now, why does it have so much antioxidant potential? During their preparation, all teas go through a certain oxidation process, in which, as a side effect, part of their antioxidants are lost. The degree of oxidation of green tea is low, so it retains much of its polyphenols.
A scientific study indicated that the consumption of green tea could have a preventive effect on chronic diseases, including cancer, due to its polyphenols.
White tea
Being the least processed tea, even less than green tea, we cannot fail to mention it in our list of teas and infusions with more antioxidants.
Although its benefits are less well known than those of green tea, experts point out that it contains a greater amount of flavonoids and therefore has a greater preventive effect on diseases than other varieties of tea.
Yellow tea
This variety of tea is made from the early leaves of Camellia sinensis and is therefore believed to have a higher antioxidant content than, for example, black tea.
In addition, it is a less oxidized tea and, therefore, it could be inferred that its antioxidant capacity would be higher. In fact, its consumption is usually recommended to prevent all kinds of chronic diseases.
Known in Japan as “the tea of long life” for its antioxidant effects that combat premature aging, rooibos is the only known source of aspalathin today.
This substance is a flavonoid that acts as an antioxidant, balancing the level of sugars in the blood, improving glucose absorption and increasing insulin secretion. On the other hand, its antioxidant effect helps to enhance the antioxidants present in the blood, thus favoring the expulsion of free radicals. Is it worth drinking a rich cup of rooibos?
Particularly, if we want to benefit from its antioxidant potential, we recommend opting for green rooibos since, being less processed than red, it preserves these substances better.
Black tea
Because its leaves come from the Camellia sinensis plant, black tea also contains flavonoids. However, it is worth noting that due to its production process, which includes a longer oxidation than those mentioned so far, a proportion of its antioxidant potential is lost.
Blue tea
When we talk about oolong tea, it is difficult to determine its antioxidant potential, since it depends on its production process. Remember that there are more and less oxidized oolongs. Although they all have flavonoids, the least oxidized ones have the highest proportion and, therefore, are the most recommended to prevent degenerative diseases.
Chamomile infusion
This famous infusion is made from the flowers of the chamomile plant, which belongs to the Asteraceae family. These contain flavonoids that, as we pointed out before, are antioxidants and, therefore, fight free radicals.
If you are interested in knowing more about chamomile infusion.
Mint infusion
Peppermint contains rosmarinic acid and flavonoids, particularly eriocitrin, hesperidin, and luteolin. These phenolic components have shown in different investigations that they have antioxidant properties.
Olive infusion
Some research has suggested that olive leaves have antioxidant properties that may contribute to overall good health in the body. Do you dare to try it?
Chai tea
Chai tea is made from black tea and spices. In this particular case, the antioxidant components of the spices are added to the flavonoids present in the tea leaves.
Turmeric infusion
This spice has been used for thousands of years by traditional Chinese medicine to treat all kinds of diseases, especially inflammatory ones. This is due, in part, to its richness in antioxidants.
Guayusa infusion
This typical Amazon infusion exhibits antioxidant benefits; in fact, this plant is believed to contain the highest amount of antioxidant substances in the world.
Without a doubt, there are many teas and infusions with more antioxidants. Here, we have selected the ones that contain the largest amount but you can find many more! Have you already decided which one you will incorporate into your usual breakfast?