Ancient wisdom inherited from China and India, herbal teas and infusions have been used for centuries for nervous system ailments and emotional problems. This is a list of the most common ailments so that you always have on hand.
- Black tea: after coffee, this is the tea with the highest concentration of caffeine, so it is indicated to have a cup for breakfast as a general stimulant.
- Guarana: Guarana seeds also contain caffeine and other stimulant alkaloids with which an infusion is prepared. It is recommended to consume up to 3 cups daily
- Mate: The infusion of yerba mate drunk in the cup as mate cocida or con bombilla (mate) contains a stimulating alkaloid called mateina. It also decreases the appetite.
- Ginseng: white (Siberian) and red (Korean) ginseng contain alkaloids called ginsenosides in their roots that have been used since ancient times to prepare energizing and stimulating infusions for memory and concentration.
- Licorice: Licorice root is used in infusions as a stimulant, especially in people with low blood pressure. Contraindicated if you suffer from high blood pressure.
When the origin of the uncontrolled appetite is anxiety, sedative infusions are a good alternative.
- Valerian: this infusion is prepared with its root and has sedative power.
- Linden : The leaves of this plant are used to make the infusion, which is a milder tranquilizer.
- Apple peel : It is prepared by boiling the peels of an apple and the seeds in a liter of water for 20 minutes. Lemon and cinnamon can be added for flavoring. The pectin contained in the apple produces sensation in the stomach.
In addition to Linden and valerian are recommended, these herbs have a sedative function. In the case of insomnia, it is recommended to take an infusion a few minutes before going to bed.
- White hawthorn or crataegus: the flowers are used for the infusion because they have flavonoids that are sedatives and muscle relaxants .
- Hypericon or St. John’s Wort: the leaves of this shrub contain hypericin, which is a powerful sedative, so a light infusion should be prepared.
- Passionflower or Passiflora: This vine with very showy flowers contains alkaloids widely used in the preparation of sedative medicines. For the infusion, the flowers, stems and leaves are used, which are drunk half an hour before bedtime.
- Orange blossom: the orange blossom is the orange blossom that is used to prepare an infusion called orange blossom water. The sedative effect is due to a compound called nerol.
- Black tea: due to its caffeine content , it is a brain stimulant that helps to concentrate.
- Green tea : due to its antioxidants it is a protector of brain cells that prevents the typical lack of memory of aging.
- Ginkgo biloba: the root of this shrub is used for an infusion that increases blood circulation to the brain and the delivery of oxygen to the neurons, clearing the mind and making it possible to concentrate.
- Ginseng – Both white and Korean ginseng have stimulating properties due to the alkaloids present in their root. When drunk on a daily basis improves memory.
- Fenugreek or Fenugreek: the seeds of this plant are widely used in Indian and Chinese culture to prepare aphrodisiac curry. For the fenugreek infusion, crush 1 teaspoon of the seeds per cup and boil for 5 minutes.
- Muña-muña: the leaves of this South American shrub are used to prepare an aphrodisiac infusion, especially for male impotence. It is believed to be due to the presence of ketones called mentona and aphid.
- Damiana: the entire dried plant is used to prepare an infusion that works by removing inhibitions and improving sexual performance.
Herbal teas for the treatment of ADHD are made with mild sedative and concentration-stimulating herbs. These are:
- linden : leaves
- Melissa: flowers
- Chamomile: flowers
- Ginkgo biloba : root
In case of panic attacks, more powerful sedative herbal infusions are indicated, such as:
- Passionflower: flowers, stems and leaves
- Valerian: Leaves
- Hypericon or St. John’s Wort: leaves