Hyssopus officinalis is a herbaceous plant native to Europe and the Middle East. Surely, due to its scientific name, it doesn’t sound familiar to you… and perhaps not due to its everyday name either, but you know it without hesitation!
Hyssop is used both in alternative medicine for its various health properties and in gastronomy to flavor all kinds of dishes and even to prepare liquor. Join us below to discover everything about hyssop infusion.
This shrub grows up to 60 cm tall and numerous straight branches sprout from its central stem, with petiolate dark green leaves. During the summer, it blooms in spikes crowned with blue, pink or white flowers that give off a characteristic aroma. Later, an oblong fruit will grow from each of them.
What is hyssop infusion for?
In general, hyssop is known for its expectorant, antitussive and balsamic properties, but that’s not all! This herb provides other health benefits that we will present to you one by one.
Antioxidant potential
Hyssop flowers and leaves are rich in flavonoids, antioxidant molecules that fight free radicals. In other words, these substances fight to protect the body from the development of diseases such as cardiovascular and degenerative problems and even cancer. Without a doubt, the infusion of hyssop consumed on a regular basis can promote good health.
Antibiotic and antimicrobial action
Alternative medicine uses hyssop infusion, as well as its topical application, to relieve all kinds of conditions. Recently, some studies have confirmed that hyssop acts against microbes, eliminating them.
Mucolytic and antitussive effect
Specialists in natural medicine recommend including hyssop infusion in the usual diet during the winter as an effective method of preventing colds. It is believed that this plant improves defenses.
On the other hand, it has been shown to have mucolytic and antitussive properties that help clear mucus and fight cough. Thus, it is recommended to drink this infusion in case of colds, flu, angina and any kind of respiratory discomfort, including sinusitis and asthmatic attacks.
Anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant function
Some clinical trials on animals have suggested that hyssop has important muscle relaxant as well as anti-inflammatory functions. For this reason, the intake of hyssop infusion would be highly recommended in the case of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis, as well as in the case of stiffness, cramps and bumps.
Fungicidal properties
According to data this herb is capable of combating the presence of fungi. A known use of the infusion of hyssop is to make rinses to fight against oral candidiasis caused by the fungus Candida albicans.
Allows to eliminate excess liquids
Hyssop is a natural diuretic that favors the elimination of excess fluids from the body. For this reason, this drink is considered an excellent ally for weight loss diets.
Improve digestion
If you drink the infusion a while before eating (at least half an hour), the hyssop will promote the secretion of gastric juices, thus preventing slow digestion disorders. Another common use of hyssop is to combat flatulence and gas that occurs after eating food.
Digestive problems are common and can be improved with the use of infusions. Here we leave you an extended list of plants that you can take in these cases.
Promotes the arrival of menstruation
In situations of stress or hormonal problems, the rule may disappear or happen irregularly. Specialists in natural medicine maintain that hyssop helps regulate menstruation. To do this, you should drink the infusion every day for at least two months.
Stimulates circulation
Drinking hyssop infusion stimulates circulation, thus preventing the presence of thrombi that could cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, in addition to varicose veins.
How to prepare hyssop infusion
Like other infusions, its preparation is very simple. In this case, we must bring the water to a boil to extract the essential oil and all the beneficial components of the hyssop.
Keep in mind that its flavor is very intense, therefore you should not leave it too long to rest to avoid being overwhelmed when you taste it.
- 5 g hyssop per cup
- 1 cup of water
- Bring the water to a boil and turn off the heat.
- Incorporate the hyssop flowers, previously washed.
- Let stand for 5 minutes.
- Strain and serve.
Hyssop infusion has a pleasant flavor but, as we pointed out before, quite intense. For this reason, we recommend not exceeding 5 minutes of infusion.
The next time you see this eye-catching flowering plant, you will be reminded of all its benefits and won’t be able to resist the temptation to bring it home. We assure you!