There are so many types of infusion that it is impossible to know them all. In fact, we are also discovering new infusions or combinations as we investigate. For this reason, we have thought of preparing a compilation of infusions and their uses.
As you read, below you will find an informative list with the uses of different infusions. You are ready? Well, then, we started our dictionary.
Caffeinated teas
First of all, we want to remind you that all teas are infusions, but not all infusions are tea. Keep in mind that tea is the name given to the infusions that are prepared with the leaves, shoots or branches of the Camellia Sinensis, while the term infusion refers to the technique with which the drink is prepared.
Black tea
There are many different varieties of black tea, such as Darjeeling or Assam, among others. In general, it is considered a stimulating drink due to its caffeine content. However, the degree of stimulation is modified in relation to the kind of tea.
Natural medicine recommends its consumption to prevent strokes, improve digestion, promote weight loss and lower blood pressure levels, among other functions.
Red tea
Pu-erh, also known as red tea, undergoes a fermentation process that affects both its composition and flavor. Precisely, this process makes its organoleptic properties different from other varieties of tea such as black or green.
Among its main benefits is the control of cholesterol and blood sugar levels, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect that, according to some studies, could prevent serious diseases, such as cancer, and cardiac and neurological protective actions.
Green Tea
Known as the “slimming tea,” green tea may not only promote weight loss but also reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease thanks to its high antioxidant content.
On the other hand, since it contains caffeine, it has a stimulating action, although since it also contains L-theanine, it is capable of relaxing at the same time; that is, it generates an increase in attention without generating nervousness.
Yellow tea
Like the other teas, yellow tea would help improve digestive and gastric health, increasing metabolism and thus achieving weight loss. Having antioxidant properties, it would also protect the body from the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cholesterol.
White tea
White tea is one of the most natural that exists since it does not undergo oxidation processes. In this way, it maintains the greatest amount of its natural components and, therefore, would have great slimming powers and protectors of heart, brain, bone, and oral health.
This typical drink from South America, specifically from Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, is prepared with yerba mate, a container and a straw.
It is worth noting that it is the infusion with the highest amount of caffeine; which is why it is considered highly stimulating.
At a nutritional level, it mainly provides vitamins B1 and B2, and C; in addition to amino acids. These substances have been shown to have antioxidant properties that would help protect the body from the action of free radicals and thus prevent cardiovascular and degenerative diseases. On the other hand, different investigations indicated that it increases the feeling of satiety and favors weight loss.
Guayusa infusion
It is said that it is the plant with the most antioxidants in the world, that is to say that its consumption would prevent all kinds of diseases but, on the other hand, it is extremely energizing due to the conduction of caffeine with methylxanthine, a stimulant that is also present in green tea.
Herbal infusions (without theine)

Now that we have analyzed the infusions that contain caffeine to a greater or lesser extent, it is time to remember what the different infusions prepared with herbs are for.
Hawthorn infusion
Did you know that it has anxiolytic properties? Yes, as you read, in addition to taking care of blood pressure and cholesterol, and protecting the body with its antioxidants, it is a good option to relax.
Milk thistle infusion
It is famous for its hepatoprotective properties and for helping to eliminate kidney or gallbladder stones. Also, it has anti-inflammatory effects that can relieve menstrual cramps.
Ginkgo biloba infusion
Ayurveda medicine maintains that drinking this infusion helps delay cognitive decline; in fact, it is believed that its consumption would improve attention, memory and concentration, in addition to combating constipation, hemorrhoids and migraines.
Calendula infusion
Antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, calendula infusion helps fight inflammation in the mouth and in any part of the body, fight against bacteria that cause diseases such as the flu or sore throat, and promotes the healing of internal wounds, caused by ulcers, for example.
Laurel infusion
This aromatic herb has a diuretic effect, which is why it is recommended against fluid retention. Also, it relieves muscle pain, fights anxiety and protects the body thanks to its antioxidants.
Artichoke infusion
This drink combats both constipation and diarrhea and also serves to improve digestion and promote the reduction of abdominal inflammation.
Olive leaf infusion
Although it is not as well known, the infusion of olive leaves strengthens the immune system due to its antioxidant content, fights constipation and is a good ally of diets to lose weight.
Pennyroyal mint infusion
Known for its digestive functions, it also serves as an expectorant and to combat colds, to counteract stress and, thanks to its emmenagogue property, regulates menstrual cycles.
Eucalyptus infusion
It is the expectorant and decongestant infusion par excellence; however, it also combats halitosis and its anti-inflammatory effect relieves muscle pain and migraine.
Hyssop infusion
Faced with the presence of cough, this is one of the best infusions to drink. It has antitussive, antimucolytic, antibacterial and fungicidal effects. It also improves digestion and contributes to the elimination of liquids.
Valerian infusion
Do you need to relax and let the stress go away? Valerian is known for its relaxing effect both on the muscular and mental levels. Drink this infusion and forget about problems falling asleep.
Lemon balm infusion
Lemon balm is used to relax, improve digestion and relieve all kinds of muscular discomfort. On the other hand, it serves to regulate the rule and relieve menstrual pain.
Senna infusion
If you have trouble going to the bathroom, you should try senna infusion, a natural laxative effect that also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Lime infusion
Commonly known as “linden tea”, it is one of the most recommended infusions to calm the nerves, relax and fall asleep.
Moringa infusion
Moringa comes from India and improves blood circulation, thus protecting against cardiovascular diseases, as well as promoting the loss of cheese and improving digestion.
Rosehip infusion
The rose hip, or fruit of the wild rose bush, is rich in vitamin C; therefore, it increases the body’s defenses and helps protect it from bacterial and viral attacks. In addition, its antidiarrheal effect should be noted.
Sage infusion
Against flu and cough, sage infusion may be one of the best options as it is antitussive, expectorant, antibacterial and antiseptic.
Turmeric infusion
Although turmeric has endless health benefits, it stands out for its anti-inflammatory potential. Thus, if you have headaches or muscle aches, caused by exercise or arthritis, among other conditions, an infusion of turmeric may be what you need to feel better.
Oregano infusion
Its main property is to be antimicrobial, that is, it fights the presence of pathogens and, therefore, can be a great ally to fight colds, flu, oral bacteria and sore throats.
Liquorice infusion
This infusion is antispasmodic and contributes to good digestion; But that’s not all: it also relieves colds and fights depression.
Rosehip infusion
This drink is traditionally used to increase the body’s defenses as well as to improve intestinal transit.
Lavender infusion
Its calming properties are famous; in fact, it’s perfect for those who have trouble falling asleep. However, it also serves to reduce pain and improve digestion.
Boldo infusion
Have you eaten too much or do you suffer from indigestion? Boldo improves digestive function, fights gas and has a relaxing effect.
Fennel infusion
This infusion combats digestive problems such as indigestion, loss of appetite, gas and heartburn.
Nettle infusion
It is one of the best drinks to combat fluid retention due to its diuretic effect. It also regulates blood sugar and has anti-inflammatory effects.
Mint infusion
In addition to helping fight heavy digestion, mint infusion has an antibacterial and antioxidant effect.
Hibiscus infusion
The famous Jamaican water helps to lose weight, is purifying and improves digestion. Moreover, it increases good cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.
Cinnamon infusion
Its main benefit is its anti-inflammatory effect that works by reducing abdominal inflammation and calming muscle and joint pain.
Parsley infusion
This aromatic plant can be prepared as an infusion, in addition to seasoning sauces. Its use is recommended to stimulate the kidneys since it is considered diuretic and also to eliminate gases, due to its carminative effect.
Rosemary infusion
It is a good digestive in case of binge eating, not only facilitates digestion but also because it acts as a stomach protector.
Thyme infusion
It favors the expulsion of gases, is diuretic and acts against gastritis and indigestion. On the other hand, it has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that serve to combat colds, flu and sore throat.
Ginger infusion
Ginger is one of the most valued spices in Ayurveda medicine as it has stimulating, digestive, anti-inflammatory properties and contributes to weight loss.
Its antioxidant properties would prevent diseases such as cancer and strokes, among others. In addition, it fights allergies and strengthens bones and teeth.
What do you think of our compilation of infusions? This is a work in progress, so we hope to extend it with additional infusions.