Hawthorn is a plant of the Rosaceae family, which includes most fruit species such as quince, pear, apple or cherry. Particularly, this tree is found naturally in Europe, Asia and North Africa.
Now, what is the use of hawthorn infusion? Is it advisable to have your flowers in the cupboard? Next, we will present the main health benefits of this drink. Don’t miss them!
The hawthorn plant
White hawthorn, with the scientific name Crataegus monogyna, is also known as hawthorn or hawthorn. It is a deciduous tree that can reach 14 meters in height, although it is generally kept as a hedge in agricultural areas.
It is distinguished by its dense crown of irregular deep dark green leaves, its brownish bark with orange fissures, and its thorny branches.
In spring, its white flowers appear that have a very particular rich aroma. These bloom in groups of between five and twenty-five, and measure about 1 centimeter in diameter. Later, from each flower will grow an oval red fruit that has a very sweet-tasting pulp.
Health benefits of hawthorn
Hawthorn is especially famous for its stress-managing properties. Ayurvedic medicine has long used hawthorn to treat all kinds of heart failure, from arrhythmias to more serious conditions. But let’s see together what else the infusion of hawthorn is good for.
Antioxidant potential
In general, the infusion is prepared with the flowers of this tree, since they give the drink a more delicate flavor. However, the fruits have been shown to be richer in antioxidant substances, mainly polyphenols. For this reason, it may be advisable to prepare it with the fruits instead of the flowers.
Remember that antioxidants are molecules that fight against free radicals, toxic substances that can affect the body causing degenerative diseases such as heart failure, vascular problems and even cancer.
Hawthorn can therefore be a good infusion with antioxidant properties.
Heart health care
An extensive study on hawthorn found that its components help the heart muscle to contract properly, thus improving blood circulation, transporting oxygen throughout the body, and also minimizing the risk of coronary heart disease.
So now you know: drink a rich infusion of hawthorn to benefit from its potential to prevent cardiovascular disease. And if you already have heart disease, ask your doctor about the possible benefits of incorporating this drink into your diet.
Reduce the cholesterol
What would you tell us if we told you that drinking an infusion of hawthorn can help you keep cholesterol at bay? Yes, hawthorn is part of the infusions with properties to mitigate cholesterol. Its compounds would act by reducing plasma levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).
By preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques, it protects heart health, since plaques can cause arterial obstruction that affects the myocardium.
Anxiolytic action
If you feel that the nerves do not let you rest or relax, a hot cup of hawthorn infusion may be what you need. This drink helps you relax both your muscles and your mind. It can be, then, a good option to combat stress.
Improvement of arrhythmias
Among the benefits of hawthorn for the heart, its action on the levels of excitation of the cardiac system stands out. It is believed to be ideal for reducing arrhythmias in people who suffer from them on a regular basis.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Different investigations in animals have concluded that hawthorn has anti- inflammatory properties that could serve to improve the symptoms of gastric ulcers.
In fact, in countries like Germany, the consumption of hawthorn infusion for gastrointestinal protection purposes is common.
Antimicrobial effects
Experts have analyzed the properties of hawthorn against the presence of germs such as Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis or Escherichia coli.
The results have been encouraging. For this reason, drinking this infusion could be an effective oral protector that would help keep mouth infections under control.
Lowers blood pressure
Hawthorn is widely used to reduce high blood pressure levels due to its flavonoids and, in addition, its relaxing function that prevents arterial blockages. More data would be needed to corroborate this use.
How to make hawthorn infusion

As we have already pointed out above, the hawthorn infusion can be prepared with both leaves and its flowers or its fruits. Commercial preparations often combine crushed leaves and flowers. In all its varieties, you will obtain a sweet and palatable infusion.
If you want to take better advantage of its antioxidant potential, we recommend preparing it with the fruits, since they store a greater amount of these substances than the flowers. We will tell you how to prepare both varieties so that you can choose.
- 2 teaspoons of dried hawthorn flowers or 1 teaspoon of crushed dried hawthorn fruits.
- 1 cup of water.
- Boil the water and add the hawthorn.
- Turn off the fire and let it rest for 5 minutes.
- If desired, sweeten with honey, although it shouldn’t be necessary.
Take advantage of hawthorn infusion to protect your heart and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, it is really tasty and rich, you will love it!