herbal tea for health
Worldwide the use of infusions is very common. Although taking large amounts can be risky, that’s why moderate doses are recommended. Therefore, when using these infusions, the recommended amount of drink must be strictly adhered to.
But there are also infusions that are not used for medicinal purposes, but only for their pleasant taste. When cooled, they are excellent for quenching thirst and cooling off.
Herbal tea, infusions and decoctions – what is the difference?
HERBAL TEA is an infusion of six finely chopped medicinal herbs. The benefits of the yerba santa tea are crushed to release all the active ingredients.
ABSUD, on the other hand, is an infusion of the flowers and leaves of the same plant.
ABSUD is similar to an infusion. The difference lies in the preparation: the flowers and herbs are placed in cold water and then boiled.
Proper preparation of home tea
For preparation perfect tea Above all, you have to use natural mineral water: mineral salts and low sodium content offer benefits of herbal tea . Furthermore, the water should never be brought to a boil, as otherwise important substances would be lost.
Tea and homemade infusions
Place in a cup 2 tablespoons of herbs. You can use them loose or put them in a colander, tea strainer, or tea infuser. Pour hot water over the herbs. Let infuse for 5 to 10 minutes (sometimes up to 25 minutes) and then strain.
The exact infusion time depends on the herb: some obtain their aroma and effect only after a certain time, such as lemon verbena tea benefits. While others can release bitter flavors in the tea if the infusion time is too long. After infusion, the tea is ready for consumption and you have a homemade tea.
A decoction is prepared from the hard, woody or very spongy parts of the plant or from the roots. The parts of the plant are boiled to extract as much of the active substance as possible. Take one teaspoon of dried herbs for every large cup of water.
Pour the herbs into a container and bring it to a boil along with the water. Leave cooking for 10 minutes until the liquid third evaporates. Filter the parts of the plant. Most remedies work best when they are still warm.
Drink for all occasions – homemade teas
Making your own tea or infusion is not that difficult. Only a basic knowledge of the ingredients is needed, especially those with very potent active ingredients. If you are not careful, you may encounter unwanted side effects.
You can also consult a herbalist who will advise you on the different mixtures according to your wishes. However, if you decide to make the mixes yourself, do not mix more than 7 herbs.
The infusions are usually composed of a dominant ingredient in terms of quantity and effect: choose tea leaves, with mint tea benefits or flowers that have the desired therapeutic effect.
You can also add other ingredients to the drink in smaller percentages to improve the effect or flavor. The combination even with tillo they are infinite. SHAPE WORLD has selected some that have a specific effect on your health and body.
Regenerative infusion for hair and nails
- 100 g nettle root
- 60 g of horsetail
- 40g rosemary
Boil two cups of water for about ten minutes with a few tablespoons of the herbs. Leave to infuse for ten minutes and then strain. Drink the tea throughout the day. The intake should be interrupted every 30-40 days and repeated after a twenty-day break if necessary.
Herbal tea against cellulite
These particular herbs have a draining effect against cellulite and orange peel skin:
- 40 g birch leaves
- 35 g of corn stigmas
- 20 g nettle
- 5 g carcadet flowers
Boil a cup of water and pour in a tablespoon of the herbal mixture. Let infuse for ten minutes, strain and drink. Birch is not recommended if you suffer from hypothyroidism: you can replace it with Ursina grape.
Herbal tea for flawless skin and no stomach aches
Fennel and lemon balm: a winning pairing! These two ingredients are known not only to aid digestion, but also to care for oily skin:
- 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds, leaves or roots.
- 1 teaspoon dried and crushed mallow leaves and flowers
Bring 200 ml of water to a boil in a pot and pour the dried herbs into it. Cover and leave to infuse for about 10 minutes. Strain and consume the herbal tea after meals.
herbal tea for fatigue
Lemongrass tea acts as an excellent remedy for fatigue, exhaustion and apathy, and is also very effective for heavy digestions and low blood pressure.
- 1 teaspoon dried lemongrass
- a few mint leaves
Heat 200 ml of water and pour it over the lemongrass. Let it infuse for 10 minutes. Strain and add mint leaves to taste.
Slimming and energizing infusion
It is an infusion that combines the benefits of relaxing herbal tea for the health of ginger and green tea; The first helps digestion, improves metabolism, promotes circulation by fighting fluid retention and strengthens the immune system.
The second ingredient, on the other hand, is an antioxidant, it counteracts cell aging, it helps to lose weight and it is a natural stimulant.
- 5g of green tea
- 1 teaspoon ginger powder (or fresh)
- 2 dandelions
To prepare a cup of herbal tea, boil 150 ml of water and prepare ginger powder or chopped slices and two cloves. As soon as it boils, add the green tea and let it steep for five minutes.
Your herbal tea or infusion is born in your garden
In our country, the benefits of tea from wild herbs , such as chamomile, sage, lemon balm, pepper and catnip, are more suitable for growing in the garden. They are best suited to Central European climatic conditions and can be easily grown in the garden, even by beginners.
Fruits like apples, rose hips, cherries, and most berries can also be grown perfectly in the garden and made into tea. Plants such as chamomile, nettle and lemon balm require more intense care and abundant and regular watering so as not to lose their fragrance.
What teas can you drink without hesitation?

You can drink fruit teas without hesitation or restriction. However, with green and black teas, you should not overdo it and you should enjoy them in good doses, because these teas contain caffeine. If you drink a lot of herbal teas, you should switch more often. You can drink 1-2 liters a day, as long as it is not a medicinal tea.
However, not only the type of tea is crucial from a health point of view, but also the right consumer group. Pregnant women, for example, should be careful with their tea consumption:
an excess of caffeine can harm not only the woman, but also the fetus. For this reason, pregnant women should not exceed the maximum amount of about three cups of green or black tea per day.
In addition, infusions with cinnamon, cloves or raspberry leaves should only be taken in the last weeks before delivery, as they can have a stimulating effect on it. Even during lactation, care must be taken: both mint and sage can inhibit milk production. On the contrary, fennel-anise-cumin tea can stimulate it.