The process used to roast Oolong tea removes unwanted odors and any acidic or astringent flavors it may have. In addition, it acquires a sweet taste that does not require sugar to drink it and makes it easy on the stomach. In this article you will know if Oolong tea is acidic? Or is Oolong tea alkaline?
The oxidation process of oolong tea consists of aerating and exposing its leaves to the sun. In addition, the ventilation and drying time it takes is less than that of other teas, such as black tea. This causes the oxidation to be partial and acquires that intense, soft and fruity aroma. That is why when drunk it tastes similar to that of green tea and black tea. The roasting technique is light, thus eliminating unwanted odors and making the tea smoother.
What is blue tea and what is it for?
Oolong tea is also called blue tea. It is a semi-fermented tea that has similar characteristics to green tea and black tea. The hue of the tea is bluish, which is why it is called blue tea. In addition, it contains little theine and a large amount of tannins. Its name means “Black Dragon Tea” in Chinese, but it is not black tea, it is between green and black tea, although its flavor is milder.
Blue tea is a highly appreciated variety today, because it contains a number of properties (mainly antioxidants), and that particular flavor that is so popular. Like most tea, Oolong tea comes from the Camellia sinensi plant, and is mostly harvested in the Fujian province of China. The variant that is produced is Ti-Kuan-Yu, which is the one that preserves most of the characteristics of green tea. There is also another one from Taiwan, but its flavor is more intense than the one produced in Fujian.
Is Oolong Tea Acidic? Due to its diverse and beneficial properties, Oolong tea is used to:
- Accelerate metabolism and stimulate weight loss, because it reduces the fat absorbed by the digestive system.
- Control blood pressure.
- Better sleep, thanks to its polyphenols that generate a calming effect.
- Improve intestinal flora.
- Improve brain activity, preventing Alzheimer’s.
- Help prevent diabetes, due to its polyphenolic antioxidants that lower blood sugar and control insulin levels.
- Strengthens bones and teeth.
What are the benefits of oolong tea?
Do you want to know if Oolong tea is acidic? For this you must know its benefits, one of which stands out the variety of flavors and aromas to choose from. However, what is responsible for its benefits is the amount of antioxidants it contains: polyphenols, theaflavins, thearubigins and EGCG.
Improves lung health
Theophylline is the substance that helps maintain the health of the lungs and treatment related to infections and complications. Also, it is responsible for cleaning the respiratory tract. Other treatments with theophylline are: wheezing, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, etc.
Levels blood sugar and controls hypoglycemia
It has been said that the negative effects of type 2 diabetes can be alleviated by oolong tea. In addition, it reduces the levels of fructosamine and glucose in plasma. As Oolong tea is a semi-oxidized tea it can reduce liver and serum lipids.
Accelerates metabolism and helps lose weight
The higher the levels of polyphenols, EGCG and catechins, the more effective it will be for weight loss. It is the most effective tea in weight loss, but to see the results it is necessary to drink 3 cups a day.
Improves bone density and resistance in teeth
Oolong tea antioxidants are responsible for strengthening bones, teeth and skeletal structure. In addition, it prevents osteoporosis and minimizes the risk of suffering a fracture.
There are several studies that concluded that black tea, green tea and Oolong, increases bone mineral density a little more than 2%. On the other hand, is Oolong tea acidic? Being a source of fluoride, it improves dental and gum health, strengthens enamel and reduces dental plaque.
It is excellent for the skin and to treat eczema and infections.
It is an excellent option for those people who have skin problems, such as infections or eczema. This is due to the amount of antioxidants in Oolong tea, which helps eliminate free radicals found in the body.
Improves the cognitive ability of the brain
There are studies that indicate that Oolong tea improves the functioning and performance of the brain. It also helps prevent Alzheimer’s symptoms, and L-theanine levels help increase alertness, induce calm, and relieve anxiety.
How do you drink oolong tea?

Is Oolong tea acidic? You already know that this tea has a number of properties that will help you lose weight, but you must know how to prepare and drink it to obtain the expected results. You can buy Oolong tea in bags or leaves to prepare it as an infusion. You can buy it in health food stores, herbalists or online stores.
Depending on the variety you choose, you should know how to prepare your blue tea:
- Oolong tea leaves. In a pot add water and a tablespoon of blue tea leaves. Put it on the fire and wait for it to boil. Once it reaches a boil, turn it off and set aside, let it infuse for about 3 minutes. Strain it and you have it ready. If you have a clay or earthen teapot, they are excellent materials to prepare it, its properties are better maintained.
- Oolong tea bags. If you prefer this variety, what you have to do is introduce a bag of this tea in boiling water, let it rest for 5 minutes. If you want it with a stronger flavor, leave it for 2 more minutes. After the time has passed, take out the bag and enjoy your Oolong tea.