Headache, a discomfort that affects the head, scalp and even the neck, is a very common problem. In fact, according to data from the World Health Organization, it is estimated that almost half of adults have suffered at least one headache (that is, a recurrent headache) in the last year. Has it happened to you?
Without a doubt, headache is one of the most common disorders of the nervous system and, in many cases, one of the most disabling. Those who suffer from headaches or migraines see their quality of life affected, appearing work and even personal problems due to the magnitude of the pain and the way in which it conditions the person’s actions. For this reason, we want to share with you the best infusions for headaches.
Types of headaches
Before we get into our topic of the day, we want to talk to you a little about the types of headaches.
The most conventional headache is the tension headache, caused by stress or anxiety, and even by poor body position. The pain usually radiates from the back of the head forward.
Among the most common complaints, we also find headaches caused by diseases, such as the flu or cold, and sinus headaches, caused by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
Some people suffer from the dreaded migraines, a stabbing pain that starts on one side of the head and spreads, even affecting vision and causing nausea.
Remember: if you suffer from migraine, you should consult your doctor to obtain the most appropriate treatment. The infusions for headaches that we share with you can help you combat the symptoms and are ideal in the case of occasional discomfort, but in no way replace medical attention in case of repeated pain.
The best ideas of infusions for headaches

Next, we present the best infusions for headaches due to their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxing properties.
Black tea
Leading the ranking of teas with theine, we find black tea. Precisely for this reason, we have included it among the best infusions for headaches. According to data, consuming a cup of a caffeinated beverage can help relieve headache pain. However, watch out. Consumption without moderation can increase the frequency of migraines.
Green Tea
Green tea is rich in catechins, substances with proven anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains theine, although in lower concentration than black tea. For these two reasons, it is considered to help improve headache symptoms.
The so-called rooibos “tea” is not actually a tea, but a tisane since it does not come from the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. This infusion is caffeine-free, thus being recommended for those who are sensitive to this substance.
Rooibos is rich in flavonoids, mainly aspalathin and notophagin, substances that show a strong antioxidant action. Let’s remember that antioxidants fight against oxidative stress, protecting our body from diseases. It is precisely oxidative stress that is responsible for some inflammatory processes. As rooibos is rich in antioxidants, it is considered anti-inflammatory and therefore its consumption is recommended to relieve headaches.
Mint infusion
Grandmothers often recommend mint infusion after binge eating due to its digestive effect, but did you know that it also has an important anti-inflammatory action? For this reason, it is so common to find creams to relieve soreness that include mint among its components.
Alternative medicine advises drinking this infusion to treat discomfort ranging from migraines and menstrual pain to muscle discomfort.
Ginger infusion
Ginger is a famous natural pain reliever. In fact, Ayurvedic medicine usually recommends its consumption in the face of inflammatory processes, for example after exercising. It is rich in gingerols, a substance with an anti-inflammatory effect that would act to reduce pain, including migraines.
Research noted that ginger is as effective in treating migraines as sumatriptan, a widely used drug for this purpose.
Prepare the infusion with a teaspoon of grated ginger per cup of water. If the flavor is too spicy for you, reduce the amount of ginger and add lemon or honey.
Chamomile infusion
Chamomile is often recommended in the treatment of insomnia and anxiety, due to its relaxing and anxiolytic effects. Although there is no scientific evidence to indicate that it is useful in the treatment of headaches, in the case of tension headaches it could help relieve the cause of the pain.
Prepare it by infusing 2 teaspoons of dried flowers or one of fresh for each cup of water at 85°C for about 5 minutes.
Lemon balm infusion
Lemon balm is often used as a means to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety due to its relaxing, calming, and anxiolytic effect. In this way, it would be a good option to fight against headaches caused by anxiety or stress.
You can prepare it at home by letting two teaspoons of lemon balm leaves stand for 10 minutes. In this case, it is recommended that the water has come to a boil so that you can extract all the properties of this plant.
We hope that these infusions for headaches help you relieve this discomfort. Of course, if it persists or continues over time, consult your doctor.