There is no better remedy for the cold, the autumn wind and the melancholy of the landscapes than a good cup of hot tea. Green, brown, brown and reddish are the colors of the most appropriate ingredients for a good autumn tea. We have compiled the best varieties and recipes so that you can continue adding imagination to our Sweetea products this season.
The change of seasons, along with the metamorphosis of the foliage (and the renewal of your closets), alters the routine of life. You go out to work on cold mornings, at noon you start taking off layers of clothes and you come home when it gets dark… at what point did summer go without us noticing?
There is no better remedy for the cold, the autumn wind and the melancholy of the landscapes than a good cup of hot tea. Green, brown, brown and reddish are the colors of the most appropriate ingredients for a good autumn infusion. We have compiled the best varieties and recipes so that you can continue adding imagination to our Sweetea products this season .
1- Matcha
It should come as no surprise that the most famous variety of Japanese tea is on this list. Matcha is a finely ground powdered green tea obtained from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush (the one that produces all varieties of tea) whose oxidation process is stopped .
For this reason, its leaves retain the green color of the foliage in spring and do not present the brownish-caramel color typical of common tea.
In Japan, Matcha Tea is the ubiquitous drink at festivals that welcome autumn. While you drink this ground young leaf tea you will receive all the nutritional benefits of Matcha, such as vitamin E, a large amount of antioxidants and L-theanine.
You’ll also appreciate the morning dose of caffeine that comes with a cup of Matcha. It is perfect for the fall and winter seasons as it contains enough nutrients to keep you energized and healthy.
2- Autumn blueberry tea
It is a black tea cleverly blended with blueberries, bergamot, and orange peel. Cranberry and orange flavors create a full-bodied brew that is exceptionally smooth and delicious in the fall. Fans love it for its fruity flavor and heady aroma.
To prepare it (2 cups) crush 4 blueberries and add the zest of half an orange. Place three cups of water and let it boil for 7-10 minutes. Remove from the heat, add 2 sachets of Bergamot Black Tea with Stevia Sweetea , let it rest for another 5 minutes and it’s ready.
All the energy to renew yourself and keep moving in your autumn journey.
3- Black tea with apple and cinnamon
Autumn brings us reminiscences of childhood afternoons of apple pies and cinnamon cookies. Combining these flavors and colors into a comforting drink like tea is a typical custom in the north of England.
In general, the tannins of black tea pair very well with the fruity flavors and cinnamon, but you can use another tea of your choice.
Place 3 slices of apple cut into small pieces and a cinnamon stick in a liter of water in a small pot. Let it boil for 5 minutes keeping the pot covered so that it retains all the flavors.
Remove from heat and add a teaspoon of Sweetea Bulk Black Tea . In just 3 or 4 minutes it will be ready to strain and serve.
In addition to being a delicious recipe, black tea is full of virtues to keep you healthy.
4- Rooibos tea, orange and ginger

A caffeine – free , but antioxidant – packed fall option is this Rooibos herbal tea made from the South African plant Aspalathus Linearis . It tastes sweet, a bit more herbal than tea, and is reddish in color. With many health benefits , it is often confused with Red Tea or Pu-ehr , but Rooibos is actually an infusion.
Its flavor combines very well with citrus fruits, which is why at Sweetea we have created this exquisite mix of Rooibos leaves with orange petals and peel , perfect for autumn due to its color and aroma of sweet orange blossoms.
If you want to try a more exotic variant that will give you an immediate heat stroke, you can add ginger . For 2 cups use a medium ginger bulb, peeled and cut into slices. Boil them in half a liter of water for 10 minutes, remove from heat and add the Sweetea Orange Rooibos leaves. Let it rest for 5 minutes, go through a strainer and you already have your tea. The sweet, citric flavors and the slight itch will give your body all the relaxation and warmth it needs this season.
Of course you can prepare these recipes that use leaf tea in your favorite teapot or with the method you always use.