Tea is one of the most consumed beverages around the world, forming a fundamental part of cultures such as the East or the English, but thanks to its many benefits on our health, more and more people have made drinking tea a fundamental habit in their routine. daily. In its most famous varieties, we find black, green, red and white tea, each one with different contributions, discover what they are and make them the allies of your diet.
General benefits
Regardless of the type you drink, tea in general is a great diuretic and one of the best antioxidants, so it helps prevent aging, promotes cholesterol reduction, improves your defenses, helps fight anemia due to its content of iron and provides zero calories so consuming it hot helps you combat anxiety about eating
Black tea
Perhaps it is one of the most popular and commercial, this type decreases the absorption of triglycerides and cholesterol helping to reduce the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, in addition its content of tannins favors stomach problems such as diarrhea and colic
Green tea
It comes from the same black tea plant, so its benefits are similar, however green tea is known to have higher antioxidants because it is less processed than the other, it is capable of effectively reducing the formation of abnormal clots favoring our heart, it also lowers blood sugar levels and has antibiotic properties for certain stomach bacteria, its fluoride content helps strengthen bones. Just as black favors the reduction of cholesterol, this, together with its effectiveness in working with the sugars we consume, has made it a favorite among dieters.
Red tea
Its color comes from the double fermentation process it undergoes, its theine content makes it a great stimulant, so it should be consumed in moderation in the case of nervous people, in addition to providing the same benefits as other types of tea, red Because it is rich in quercetin, it is associated with humor, which is why in the East it is recommended for depression, melancholy and bad humor. Additionally, it facilitates digestion, helps detoxify the body and is good for a better tan.
White tea

Wonderful antioxidant, because it contains three times more polyphenols than the rest, it has begun to be closely associated with the prevention of aging, reducing the activity of enzymes that reduce the production of elastin and collagen in our skin, in addition to benefiting patients with rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammation in patients with this condition. It is the one that contains less caffeine for them its contraindicating effects are few.