Green tea has many properties and many people decide to take it to improve specific aspects of their health. Knowing when to drink green tea plays an important role in taking advantage of these benefits
We have created a small guide to answer common questions and help you separate good advice from false myths.
When to drink green tea
Green tea to burn fat
Green tea consumption is often linked to its weight-loss properties. There are several scientific studies that support these effects.
In summary, its properties would be related to the action of compounds such as catechins, which would stimulate the metabolism and, therefore, speed up the body’s consumption of calories.
Fasting green tea
Related to the previous point, there are sources of information on the Internet that ensure that, to take advantage of the slimming effects of green tea, it is convenient to drink it on an empty stomach.
The reality is that we have not found scientific studies that compare the effectiveness of drinking green tea on an empty stomach or on a full stomach for this purpose.
What is certain is that an unwanted effect of drinking green tea on an empty stomach is stomach irritation. Tannins increase stomach acids, which can cause irritation, reflux or nausea.
Green tea with meals
It is true that there are studies that link tea consumption with anemia, but if you do not suffer from this condition, you can drink it without any problem.
In fact, in many Asian countries like Japan, for example, green tea is the drink that accompanies lunch and dinner during winter and summer.
Green tea in the morning
Green tea can be a good drink to accompany breakfast. Its moderate caffeine content can help everyone start the day on the right foot and with energy, but especially for those sensitive to caffeine who prefer to avoid the effects of coffee.
Remember that if you have a sensitive stomach, green tea can cause irritation. Better not take it on an empty stomach.
When not to drink green tea
Green tea at night
Like all teas, green tea contains caffeine. Although its concentration is significantly lower than that of, say, a cup of coffee, people sensitive to its effects should avoid drinking green tea at night.
It is advisable to put a time limit on your last cup of tea. If you give your body a couple of hours, it will have synthesized the caffeine and you will avoid insomnia or a restless night.
If you are pregnant
Green tea contains caffeine, a substance that is recommended to be avoided, or at least very limited, during pregnancy as it has been linked to a higher chance of miscarriages and also with the birth of babies with less weight.
If you have anemia
There are several studies linking tea consumption to anemia. This occurs because there are components in green tea that hinder the absorption of iron. This is particularly important in cases of people suffering from anemia or going through particularly sensitive situations such as pregnancy.
Fortunately, iron absorption is only affected if green tea is consumed as a beverage with your meal. Thus, if you are affected by this problem, it is advisable that you drink tea a couple of hours before or a couple of hours after consuming food. In this way, you make sure that the absorption of its nutrients is not affected.
With a delicate stomach
The tannins in green tea increase the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid green tea when you suffer from reflux, heartburn, or simply sit with a sore stomach.
how much green tea can you drink
Green tea is a healthy drink, but like anything, common sense is in order. An excessive consumption of green tea or in special situations may be contraindicated.
Green tea contains caffeine, a stimulating substance. Experts recommends not exceeding a daily intake of 300 mg per adult. This would be the equivalent of two cups of coffee or, more or less, ten cups of green tea. Remember that if you are pregnant, it is recommended to completely avoid any caffeinated beverage.
This same entity refers to the effects of this substance on the heart, which increases blood pressure and heart rate, and recommends limiting its consumption to patients with cardiovascular diseases and/or hypertension
The health benefits of green tea
Green tea is a drink rich in antioxidants, elements that have been linked in scientific studies with numerous health benefits. According to these, green tea could help in the following aspects.
- Reduction of cholesterol levels.
- Cancer prevention.
- Weightloss.
- Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
- Diabetes prevention.
- Strengthening of the bones.
- Protection of neurons.
If you want to find out exactly how green tea can benefit your body, here is a specific article on the subject.
Green tea: how to drink it
You can drink green tea alone or combine it with other elements to add flavor or complement its health properties.
Alone or accompanied?
There are numerous combinations of green tea that are delicious and healthy at the same time. You can combine your green tea with a citrus element such as a slice of lemon or orange, or prepare a cup of flavored tea, such as the famous variety of green tea with jasmine or green tea with mint.
These combinations can put a twist on your cup of tea that will please your palate without negatively altering the health properties of your drink.
With or without milk?
Green tea does not mix as well with milk as other types of tea. On the other hand, milk will add fat and the sugars from lactose to your tea, making it a less healthy choice. We recommend that you do not put milk in your green tea.
With or without sweeteners?
We recommend adding as little sweetener as possible to your cup of tea, if possible none at all. Remember that sweeteners like sugar or honey will add calories to your tea and make it a less healthy drink.
If you are trying to reduce the bitterness of your tea, you should know that the best way to do this is to be careful when preparing it. Too high a temperature of the water will make your tea taste more bitter than it should. You can follow the steps in our guide.
Cold or hot?
If you are in a hot place, cold green tea will help you add it to your daily life without having to make any sacrifices. The cold does not affect its health properties, so you should not worry.
What is certain is that the character of the tea changes with temperature. Your green tea will lose some of its aromas and also some of its natural bitterness.
Choose your time to drink green tea

Green tea is a good choice at any time of the day: it is good for the body and good for the palate.
Of course, have a little common sense to adapt its consumption to your specific situation and not go overboard with the number of cups. Enjoy your cup!