When should you avoid Red tea

Do not be afraid: red tea is a healthy drink, for this reason, natural medicine recommends it to treat all kinds of diseases and discomforts. However, there are contraindications of red tea that can affect certain people in some circumstances. We tell you everything below.

The properties of red tea

Pu- erh, red tea, comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, just like all other varieties of tea. However, it undergoes a long fermentation process that gives it its particular flavor and color, as well as modifies its health properties.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has used red tea to treat different diseases for hundreds of years and, in recent times, different investigations have corroborated some of its uses.

For example, did you know that the gallic acid present in red tea helps you lose weight? This acid, together with the slimming action of caffeine, makes it one of the great recommended to accompany diets to lose those extra pounds that bother us so much. In our article on the slimming effects of red tea you can read more about it.

In addition, red tea has antioxidant effects that would protect the body from the action of free radicals and, therefore, reduce the risk of various diseases, such as cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and cancer. A study indicated that pu-erh would serve to inhibit the growth of tumor cells.

On the other hand, scientists have explained that the fermentation of red tea generates puerines, components that can be used to control cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

As if all this were not enough, pu-erh also serves to relieve inflammatory processes and reduce uric acid. You can check out an in-depth article on the benefits of red tea.

What are the contraindications of red tea?

As we have already clarified at the beginning of this article, pu-erh is a healthy infusion that can provide interesting health benefits. But, in some cases, it may be contraindicated. Although the appearance of the problems that we will name below is rare, it may happen that some people present discomfort or problems when ingesting this drink. In that case, consult your doctor.

People in the following circumstances should pay attention to excessive consumption of red tea:

  • Cases of anemia: the consumption of pu-erh can hinder the absorption of iron. For this reason, its consumption is not recommended for those who suffer from anemia.
  • People with hypertension: being a fermented tea, it has a high theine content. This substance can increase blood pressure. In this way, its consumption is not recommended for people medicated for hypertension or with a tendency to high blood pressure.
  • Mothers and infants: as we pointed out in the previous point, red tea is rich in caffeine, a substance whose consumption during pregnancy and lactation must be extremely moderate to avoid problems in the development of the baby and problems when falling asleep.
  • People who suffer from insomnia: its caffeine content could make it difficult to fall asleep. If you suffer from sleep problems, avoid its consumption.
  • People prone to anxiety and nervousness: Due to the stimulating effect of caffeine, its excessive consumption could lead to anxiety and nervousness.
  • People with irritable bowel syndrome: Its consumption is not recommended for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome since the caffeine and the fermentation of this tea could act as irritants.

Possible adverse effects of consuming pu-ehr

Unwanted side effects of red tea consumption could include the following cases.

Migraines and headaches

Some research indicates that people who consume caffeine every day are at increased risk of headaches and migraines. Thus, it could be inferred that if this is your case, you should avoid drinking red tea to see if this improves your situation.

Sleep problems

We have anticipated it in the previous point: caffeine could make it difficult to fall asleep. If we add to this the presence of the amino acid L-theanine in the tea, the problem could worsen, at least in the opinion of some experts.

In this case, you may be able to continue drinking red tea, but it would be recommended that you do so throughout the day and not before going to sleep.

Iron absorption deficiency

Although the data on this is not conclusive, some research has suggested that the tannins present in tea can interfere with the absorption of iron and, therefore, cause anemia. However, this would be possible only in cases of excessive intake.

In summary, consuming red tea with measure would only be contraindicated if you suffer from any disease that could be exacerbated by its components. Consult your doctor if you have doubts about it.

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