In nature there are numerous plants with hypno-inducing action, capable of promoting sleep and rest. These herbs can be used alone or mixed together to prepare good bedtime herbal teas.
Light bedtime tea
This herbal tea is useful in case of transient insomnia, due to thoughts or forms of anxiety that prevent you from falling asleep.
If you need to calm agitation, you can drink three cups a day of this bedtime herbal tea.
> 30 g of lemon balm ;
> 20 g of passion flower ;
> 20 g of poppy petals;
> 20 g of orange blossom;
> 10 g of chamomile .
After bringing 250 ml of water to the boil, pour it over a spoonful of the mixture of dried herbs, cover and leave to infuse for about 5 minutes .
Once the infusion time has elapsed, the herbal tea is filtered and drunk while still hot.
Strong bedtime tea
This herbal tea is indicated for people who often suffer from insomnia and who are looking for a remedy that they can take over time to rediscover the pleasure of a good rest.
It is recommended to drink two cups of this herbal tea a day: one in the late afternoon and one before going to sleep.
Ingredients :
> 40 g of valerian root ;
> 40 g of hops ;
> 30 g of lemon balm.
Bring a cup of water to the boil with the valerian root. When boiling, add the hops and lemon balm, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes . Filter and drink the still hot infusion.
Good night tea for children
Not all plants can be taken in herbal tea by children. This bedtime herbal tea is also suitable for the little ones , who can drink up to three cups a day away from meals in case they find it difficult to fall asleep.
Ingredients :
> 50 g of orange blossom;
> 40 g of linden flowers ;
> 10 g of lavender flowers or lemon balm leaves.
Bring a cup of water to the boil, then pour it over a spoonful of dried herbs. Leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes, filter and drink the herbal tea.
Good night tea for pregnancy

The latter herbal tea is useful for pregnant women, for whom not all herbs are recommended.
In case of insomnia during pregnancy, it is possible to drink up to three cups a day of this bedtime herbal tea, prepared with a recipe.
Ingredients :
> 30 g of hawthorn ;
> 30 g of passion flower;
> 20 g of poppy flowers;
> 20 g of chamomile.
Bring a cup of water to the boil, then pour it over a spoonful of dried herbs and leave the herbs to infuse for 5-10 minutes. Finally it is filtered and it is ready.