Prepare tea with milk is really easy, fast and delicious, it is a unique combination, the mild and semi-sour taste of tea, with the creamy richness of milk. There are many hot and iced versions to drink, with recipes that add more flavor and dimension to straight tea. The milk gives weight, texture and creaminess to this subtle and delicate drink, creating an equally refreshing combination.
For many people, drinking tea with milk has been a great question, tea with milk is a practice that is mostly Western, in the East the tea is taken alone, and it is that the mixture of milk, which is such a complex product, with the delicacy tea, for many people it is strange, for others it is a delight, which provides more flavor, texture, softens their mornings and gives them a more restful sleep at night.
In general, the strongest teas are those that are usually used with milk, such as black tea , Jamaican tea, Chamomile or green tea .
But the question that some ask is: is it bad to mix tea with milk?
Tea is a drink that provides endless benefits to our body, above all antioxidants (polyphenols and catechins), these are what make tea one of the healthiest drinks in the world.
Many health experts have warned that drinking milk with tea is not as beneficial as expected because the casein in the milk inhibits the effects of the catechins in the tea when mixed together.
However, it does not produce any negative effect on our health, so if you are a fan of milk tea you can continue to enjoy it, the truth is that if you want to enjoy all the properties and benefits of tea, it is better to drink it with little milk or alone.
In any case, for those who want to continue enjoying tea with milk without losing the richness of the tea, you can replace the milk with almond, soy or coconut milk, they are just as delicious, with the same texture and creaminess. .
Here are some delicious milk tea recipes:
Green tea with coconut milk
- Water
- Honey or stevia (avoid refined sugar)
- Milk or coconut milk
- Lemon juice
- fresh mint leaves
- Green tea bags (you can also use matcha green tea)
Preparation: Prepare the tea and let it rest for 5 minutes, then add the lemon, coconut milk and honey or stevia to taste, let it cool completely, finally add the mint leaves. If you want it very creamy, you put it in the freezer in a metallic dish and when the edges have frozen, apply the mixer. You can repeat this 3 to 4 times to serve very creamy with the fresh mint leaves.
Chai Ball
- chai tea bags
- Honey or stevia (avoid refined sugar) (optional)
- Fireball Whiskey
- Milk or milk cream
Preparation: Prepare 2 parts of chai tea and let stand, add honey or stevia if you want to sweeten, mix with 2 parts of milk and finally 1 part of fireball whiskey.
Indian tea
- Water
- Milk or almond milk
- Cardamom
- Cinnamon powder
- Honey or stevia (avoid refined sugar)
- Black or white tea bags
Preparation: Prepare the black tea and let it rest. Boil the milk for 5 minutes, then add it to the tea along with the spices and wait 5 more minutes. Then the mixer is applied lightly.
chai latte tea
- Sweetea Chai Tea Bags
- Milk or almond milk
- ice (optional)
Preparation: Prepare the chai tea and let it rest for about 5 minutes and add the almond milk. If you want it cold, let it rest until completely frozen, add the almond milk and ice to taste.
Tea with apple and milk
- Black or green tea bags
- Apple juice
- apple slices
- Water
- Milk or coconut milk
- Honey or stevia (avoid refined sugar)
Preparation: Prepare the tea and let it rest. When it is cold, add the milk, apple juice, honey or stevia and beat until a liquid paste remains. It is ready to serve with some apple slices
Bubble tea (Bubble tea)
- black tea bags
- Chewy tapioca or boba pearls
- Almond cream or milk
- Honey or stevia (avoid refined sugar)
Preparation: Prepare the black tea and let it rest, add the cream or almond milk together with honey or stevia, finally add the pearls and it is ready to enjoy!
Cinnamon tea
- Water
- cinnamon sticks
- Milk or coconut milk
- Honey
- black tea bags
Preparation: Prepare the black tea and let it rest together with the cinnamon sticks for about 5 minutes. Strain the contents and add the coconut milk or normal milk, then add the honey to taste. In the cup you can put a cinnamon stick to increase the flavor.
Chai Tea Smoothie Vanilla

- chai tea bags
- Milk
- Vanilla extract
- Stevia (avoid refined sugar)
- Vanilla ice cream
- Cinnamon powder (optional)
Preparation: Prepare the chai tea and let it steep for 5 minutes, add the vanilla extract, milk and stevia and let it cool. Once cold, add the ice cream to a blender and mix it with the milk with chai tea. Mix until smooth and serve, to increase the flavor you can sprinkle a little cinnamon.