If you are breastfeeding your baby, you may be wondering if it is safe to drink green tea, black tea or herbal tea. Here we tell you which ones you can take and which ones can affect the baby. And we also include those that will increase the amount of milk!
Do you love to drink different varieties of tea, have a very black tea for breakfast in the morning and you have just received your new offspring? The pleasure of breastfeeding and seeing your baby grow healthy and strong is well worth some sacrifice, but don’t worry: there are many teas that you can taste.
The benefits of tea are numerous, but some have caffeine, in a very low proportion compared to coffee, but they do.
Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others. Caffeine tolerance varies widely, but most doctors advise pregnant women to reduce caffeine intake. Studies have shown that caffeine passes through the placenta to the fetus and also through breast milk.
Excessive amounts of caffeine can harm or irritate the baby. It is true that large amounts of caffeine should be avoided, which, in addition to coffee, is also found in chocolate, some soft drinks, and over-the-counter medications. So you should avoid them.
A specialist in gynecology and lactation , tells us that caffeine can remain in our body for an average of 5 hours. If you are taking medications that contain caffeine, have increased body fat, or other medical problems, caffeine may be in your system for up to 10 hours.
But you can have a cup of some teas once in a while, indulge in the caffeinated ones, and even manage to have more milk.
What teas are considered safe during lactation?
1-Green tea:
We know that green tea has less caffeine than black tea. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) , breast milk contains less than 1 percent of the caffeine a mother ingests. L
It is recommended that, if you are breastfeeding, do not take more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. This is equivalent to 3 cups of green tea per day. That should be your limit.
We remind you that if you also eat chocolates or drink some soft drinks that contain caffeine, you are obviously adding up and you should not drink more than 1 cup of green tea per day.
Green tea and iron absorption
Green tea contains tannins. Studies conducted by the Taiwan Ministry of Health show that the tannins within the tea block the absorption of iron.
In Japan, the medical community advises that if a mother drinks green tea while pregnant or breastfeeding, she should take an iron supplement. Green tea can also hinder the absorption of B12, so taking a B complex may also be beneficial. Consult these aspects with your doctor.
2- Chamomile tea:
Chamomile tea is one of the most popular medicinal drinks in the world. It is prepared with the dried flowers of the plant that are submerged directly in water.
Chamomile is a herb very rich in calcium. If you are breastfeeding, chamomile tea will help you digest what you eat and better absorb the nutrients you need at this stage. If you eat well, you can produce breast milk that is richer in these nutrients.
It is also known for its relaxing properties, so if you are sleeping little or breastfeeding causes you pain, you can prepare a chamomile tea, take a deep breath and relax to make the moment more pleasant for you and your baby.
Since chamomile has no caffeine, it is completely safe for the lactation period.
3-Red raspberry tea
Red raspberry leaves have been used for centuries for their effect on the entire female reproductive system. This infusion facilitates labor, tones the uterine muscles, decreases postpartum bleeding, and increases breast milk production.
This infusion is considered safe to drink while breastfeeding , since it also contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Red raspberry leaf is also a good source of B vitamins, including thiamine and niacin, as well as vitamins E and C.
4- Nettle tea
Another classic for breastfeeding is nettle tea or infusion. This is a leafy, dark green plant that is high in iron and is considered highly nutritious. It is also believed to help stimulate breast milk production and is completely safe to drink. Keep in mind that nettle is diuretic so you should drink a lot of water.
5-Thistle tea:
This is another great herb that can be found in many teas and can also be drunk neat. Milk thistle is a tall, purple-flowering plant with prickly spines. It originally comes from the Mediterranean region.
It has been linked to breastfeeding for a long time, and studies indicate that it increases milk production. Milk thistle is also known as St. Mary’s thistle and Our Lady’s thistle.
6-lemon or orange peel tea
Lemon or orange infusions will not increase your milk production but they are completely safe to drink while breastfeeding. They are also much healthier than drinking coffee, soft drinks or artificial juices, both hot and iced in the summer.
Now that you need to be well hydrated, drinking these citrus teas help you incorporate water and keep you cool.
Better leave the following teas for another time

1-Black tea: although a daily cup does not exceed the amount of caffeine that is considered safe during lactation, some people are more sensitive than others to this component. Better leave it for when you finish breastfeeding.
2-Teas of oregano, parsley, mint and other spices used for seasoning can transfer the flavor to breast milk. There is no evidence that they harm the baby, but many mothers drink these teas when they want to speed up weaning.
3-Infusions of ginseng, rhubarb ephedra, star anise and other herbs containing alkaloids should not be taken during pregnancy or lactation.