If you want to know if matcha tea expires you came to the right place. Matcha tea is becoming an energy drink for many people, so its popularity has grown. If you entered the world of this great drink, you should know how to store it and what is the shelf life of matcha tea .
Any lover of this drink wonders if this really tea expires. The presentation in which it comes does not matter: bags or dry leaves, the key is how we preserve it. Over time its properties are affected, especially in terms of aroma and flavor.
Matcha tea shelf life. It gets damaged?
Matcha tea is within the so-called dry products, like coffee or other teas, it deteriorates within the normal range, that is, over time it loses flavor and aroma. In the case of matcha tea, its properties are maintained for 1 to 2 months after opening and if its storage is adequate, it is preserved for 12 months. If you drink it already expired, nothing will happen, although its flavor will not be the same.
But its expiration period will also depend on its grade, for example, a Premium or Ceremonial grade will lose its sweetness over time, but it can still be used in recipes for a long time. Of course, those of poor quality will be damaged faster.
Matcha tea is a delicate and expensive tea, suitable to drink calmly during the day and thus take full advantage of all its properties. Maybe at first the taste is not to your liking, that’s normal. Most people prefer it sweetened or at least give it some flavor. That is, if you drink it from time to time you will not get used to it, but if it is daily you will learn to appreciate the delicate notes of its flavor and aroma.
However, the fact that the tea has lost part of its flavor and aroma does not mean that you should throw it away, it can still be useful. For example, it is used for some recipes, such as ice cream, cakes and omelette. Although it must retain a certain aroma and flavor despite the fact that it has already lost quality. If you notice that it is very yellowish or very bitter, it is best to throw it away.
Way to preserve the shelf life of matcha tea
When you open the matcha tea from its packaging, when it comes into contact with oxygen, it begins to deteriorate, the same happens with any product. Therefore, the best way to preserve it is by storing it in an airtight container. Also applies if loose tea.
We know that matcha tea is not cheap, so it is necessary to know how to store it. In addition, it does not expire in itself, but rather loses its properties over time. To keep it longer you must make sure to save it:
- Where there is no humidity. If there is something that damages any dry product, it is precisely where there is water. In this sense, store it where you are sure that there is no humidity. If you decided to store it in a cupboard, make sure it is far from the stove, because the heat it gives off is not good for tea.
- In an airtight container. Another inconvenience is when it is exposed to the air, because it loses flavor and aroma at once if it is not properly covered. If you notice that the packaging does not cover it well, store it in another container that does close hermetically, thus preventing it from oxidizing.
- In a cool place and away from sunlight. Exposing it to sunlight is not favorable for matcha tea or any dry product. In this sense, you must make sure that the container is opaque or, failing that, store it in a cool, dry and dark place, for example, the closet.
- In the fridge. The best option is to store matcha tea in the fridge, keeping it in an airtight container. Many brands advise keeping it there. The conditions in the fridge slow down its deterioration process and keep it longer. If you keep it at room temperature, its flavor and color will be better preserved.
Signs That Match Tea Is Going Bad

Even maintaining the care that we have already given you, the way to know the useful life of matcha tea is by opening the container where it is stored. Here are some signs that your tea is going bad.
- Your green is no longer vibrant or has a yellowish color. If it still maintains its vibrant green color, it means that there is no level of oxidation. When it enters the oxidation process is when it begins to look yellowish or greyish. At this point it is best not to consume it.
- It has a bitter taste. When you try it for the first time, you will realize that its flavor is fresh, somewhat sweet, but not bitter. However, the cheap ones do have a bitter taste from the beginning.
- It no longer has a scent. Certainly matcha tea has a particular aroma that makes it unique. It is a grassy smell with a sweet touch. If you do not distinguish any smell, it is because it has already lost part of its properties.