Irritable bowel causes abdominal pain, swelling, intestinal irregularity: all symptoms that can be alleviated thanks to herbal teas that work on the intestine.
Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome or spastic colitis is one of the most frequent diseases affecting the colon, a section of the intestine about one and a half meters long.
The causes of irritable bowel have not been clarified but it is assumed that behind this disease there is a predisposition, combined with an incorrect diet. In fact, this syndrome seems to affect more women in adulthood and the symptoms of irritated colon can appear or intensify following the consumption of certain foods or drinks, in case of anxiety and stress or in relation to hormonal fluctuations.
Irritated colon symptoms
Irritable bowel syndrome causes typical symptoms that include:
- Abdominal pain;
- abdominal swelling;
- bloating and flatulence;
- diarrhea or constipation, or an alternation of the two.
When the colon is irritated, gas builds up in the intestines, leading to bloating, tightness in the abdomen, and pain. We speak of irritable bowel when a person suffers from at least three of the symptoms listed above, which may also be accompanied by a sense of incomplete evacuation or the presence of mucus in the stool.
Where does irritable bowel hurt? Since the colon is a long section of the intestine, the pain can present itself in a diffused way in the abdominal area and manifest itself as twinges in the belly or as a burning sensation or discomfort when pressed in the abdomen.
Diagnosing irritable bowel is not simple, since the symptoms of this disease are common to other inflammatory bowel diseases and there are no specific tests to detect this condition.
However, unlike diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, there are no intestinal abnormalities associated with symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome. The remedies for irritated colon are therefore limited to relieving the pain, swelling and other manifestations of this disease.
Herbs and natural remedies for irritable bowel

Since there is no specific therapy for irritable bowel, the intervention for those who suffer from it generally consists of a correction of the diet combined with regular movement and the use of natural remedies, including herbal teas.
Herbal teas for irritable bowel include plants with an antispasmodic, carminative and emollient action: these are remedies capable of relieving pain by soothing the intestinal mucosa, reducing the accumulation of abdominal gas and muscle spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. These plants can also be combined with herbs that act on anxiety and stress, two conditions that are often associated with the appearance or worsening of symptoms affecting the intestine.
Herbal teas for irritable bowel
Below, some combinations of herbs useful for preparing an herbal tea for irritable bowel, to reduce painful symptoms and regulate the intestine.
These herbal teas can be consumed every day at any time of the day or as needed, when the typical symptoms of irritated colon appear.
For dosages and to choose which herbal tea for irritable bowel is most suitable for your needs, we recommend contacting your trusted herbalist.
In fact, the following are only general indications that cannot replace the specialized advice of a professional or the opinion of your doctor.
Chamomile and valerian herbal tea
Chamomile is probably one of the most common home remedies for inflamed intestines.
This herbal tea for the intestine takes advantage of the calming and antispasmodic action of chamomile to help reduce stomach ache, the accumulation of abdominal gas and the other symptoms of spastic colitis.
Furthermore, the presence of valerian associated with chamomile also helps to relieve anxious states that worsen intestinal symptoms.
- Chamomile flower heads ;
- valerian root ;
- cumin fruits ;
- mint leaves .
To prepare this herbal tea, simply bring a cup of water to a boil and then pour it over a spoonful of the dried herb mixture .
After leaving it to infuse for five minutes , it is filtered and consumed; you can drink up to three cups a day.
Mallow herbal tea
Mallow herbal tea for the intestine is also a widespread remedy: this plant is in fact rich in mucilage with a soothing action on the intestinal mucosa and has a slight laxative activity which is useful when an irritated colon causes constipation.
In this herbal tea for colitis we associate mallow with another emollient plant, marshmallow, and with two remedies that favor the expulsion of gas.
- Mallow flowers;
- marshmallow root ;
- licorice root ;
- fennel fruit .
For this herbal tea, proceed by placing a teaspoon of marshmallow root in a saucepan with a cup of water; bring to the boil, let it boil for three minutes and remove from the heat.
At this point a spoonful of a mixture of mallow , licorice and fennel is added, covered with a lid and left to infuse for five minutes, finally filtered and consumed. You can drink up to three cups a day.
Herbal tea with lemon balm and lavender
This herbal tea for irritable bowel helps reduce intestinal spasms, eliminate gas and relieve pain.
- Melissa leaves and flowers ;
- lemon verbena leaves ;
- bay leaves .
After heating a cup of water, it is poured over the mixture of dried herbs and left to infuse for 3-5 minutes, after which it is filtered and consumed. It can be drunk up to three times a day.
Flower tea
A blend of flowers for the intestines, to relieve cramps and colic and reduce swollen belly caused by irritated colon.
- Passiflora flowers ;
- mallow flowers;
- Roman chamomile flowers;
- linden flowers .
After bringing a cup of water to the boil , pour a spoonful of the flower mixture over it and leave it to infuse for about three minutes, then filter and drink. Three cups can be consumed a day.
Five fruit herbal tea
This herbal tea helps to significantly reduce abdominal swelling and pain thanks to the presence of fruits with a carminative action. The lemon juice and the ginger root , in addition to helping to relieve the symptoms, make the already very good taste of the herbal tea more pleasant. It can be sipped throughout the day, even for several consecutive weeks.
- Fennel fruits;
- star anise fruits;
- green anise fruits;
- coriander fruits;
- cardamom fruits;
- lemon juice;
- ginger root.
To prepare this herbal tea, add a generous spoonful of the mixture of dried fruits to a liter of water and leave it to macerate overnight with the lid on.
The following day a small piece of ginger root is added , put on the fire and brought to a boil. When the water boils, turn off the heat and let it cool.
At this point it is filtered , the juice of half a squeezed lemon is added and transferred into a bottle.