Green tea is one of the most ancient and popular drinks. What are the benefits and harms of green tea for the health of women and men, how much it can be drunk per day, how it affects the body, as well as how to choose, brew and how much to store – in the RIA Novosti material.
History and types
According to Chinese legend, one man noticed that his goats, which ate tea shoots, were unusually frisky, playful and agile. Then the shepherd decided to brew parts of the plant, and it turned out to be a pleasant drink. Until the 1st century BC in China, raw leaves were used, then they began to be dried and fried. In the 7th – 10th centuries, the drink became ceremonial. Later he gained popularity in Japan, Korea, India, the Middle East, Central Asia. it is believed that green tea was first brewed in Russia in 1618, later it became the drink of the general population. Now it is used in almost all countries of the world and is valued for its taste and health benefits.
Green tea differs from black tea in that it does not undergo an enzymatic oxidation process, as a result of which the black variety of the drink acquires astringency. The taste of green tea is more delicate, herbal.
According to taste, green varieties are divided into:
- refreshing;
- tart;
- floral spicy;
- floral delicate.
Composition and calories
Green tea contains antioxidants, polyphenols, carotenoids, catechins, tocopherols, kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, thein, tannin, ascorbic acid, vitamin P, minerals – chromium, manganese, selenium, zinc and a number of other substances. There are only 2 calories in one mug of the drink without additives.
Useful properties of green tea
Green tea, which contains caffeine, fights lethargy, depression and depression, reduces drowsiness, stimulates the brain. It also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, the risk of myocardial infarction, inhibits the development of certain types of cancer, and promotes weight loss. Drinking the drink strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to disease, improves eye health (including it is useful for the prevention of glaucoma), slows down the aging of the body due to antioxidants. According to research In 2006, among those who drank green tea more than five times a day, the mortality rate decreased by 23% in women, by 12% in men. At the same time, from cardiovascular diseases – by 31% and 22%, respectively, from stroke – by 42% and 35%. It has also been found that the drink prevents the development of dementia.
Harm of green tea and contraindications
Due to its caffeine content, green tea is contraindicated in people with nervous disorders, insomnia, in which it can aggravate symptoms. It is also not recommended when using blood thinners in combination with certain other drugs. Green tea can be harmful for people suffering from high blood pressure, kidney, stomach and liver diseases. It is better not to mix it with other stimulating drinks – coffee, energy drinks, alcohol. With a lack of iron, you need to drink such tea no earlier than 30 minutes after eating. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. In case of doubt, consult your doctor before use.
The benefits and harms of green tea for men
For men, this drink is useful in that it reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction, ischemic heart pathologies and other cardiovascular diseases . Green tea tones well, stimulates nervous and thought processes. According to studies , it increases the concentration of spermatozoa, thereby increasing fertility. At the same time, it can aggravate nervous disorders and insomnia, it is contraindicated in hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases.
The benefits and harms of green tea for women
Green tea is considered a beauty drink for women, it helps to lose weight, due to antioxidants it slows down the aging process of the body. The extract of the product is included in many face care products intended for women. It evens out skin tone, fights inflammation, regulates sebum production, and prevents wrinkles. One of the most important properties of green tea for women is that it reduces the risk of breast cancer by 20-30% when consumed regularly. Contraindications are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, the period of pregnancy and lactation.
The benefits and harms of species
Green tea has many health benefits and has been linked to a lower risk of heart attack and stroke. At the same time, each variety differs in its taste, but is almost the same in terms of the content of microelements important for health.
Green tea with milk
Green tea contains a high amount of flavonoids – catechins, which are powerful antioxidants that prevent the first signs of aging in the body and reduce the risk of cancer. Milk added to the drink can reduce their absorption and benefit to the body. However, green tea with milk has diuretic properties and is often used during weight loss by speeding up the metabolism.
Green tea with jasmine
The composition of this tea includes vitamins A, B, vitamins C, PP, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, etc. Also, the drink is rich in amino acids, which contribute to better concentration, stimulating mental activity. Green tea with jasmine protects the body from free radicals, is a prophylactic against multiple sclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases – Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc. Its contraindications are the same as those of the classic drink.
Green tea bags
Green tea bags tend to be cheaper. Unnatural flavorings are often added to it, which reduces the beneficial properties of the drink. Poor-quality raw materials can also be used, and the bags themselves are about a third made up of artificial compounds that prevent dissolution. In this case, the drink may have a chemical aftertaste. It is best to buy high quality loose leaf tea without harmful additives.
Matcha green tea
Matcha tea has recently become very popular. It is made by roasting and grinding tea tree leaves into a powder. It removes toxins from the body, saturates it with antioxidants, energizes, increases concentration, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on skin health, prolongs youth. Excessive consumption of green tea can lead to irritability, headaches, insomnia, diarrhea, and heartburn.
Green tea milk oolong
Often the milky taste of such tea is achieved through the use of flavors, so you should study the composition before buying. Real milk oolong does not have a pronounced taste. This tea, unlike other varieties, is not very tonic, but improves brain function and increases concentration. Its benefits are due to the large amount of antioxidants, high content of tannin, essential oils, polyphenols and vitamins . They heal and strengthen the body. To avoid the negative impact of tea, you should choose only a natural high-quality product.
Green tea with ginger
Ginger has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, firming, warming effect, due to which it is useful during colds. When added to green tea, it makes a vitamin drink that speeds up metabolism, helps reduce period pain, arthritis, blood sugar, and appetite. In this case, after use, indigestion, heartburn may occur. Also, green tea with ginger contains salicylates, which thin the blood, so it is contraindicated in people with poor clotting.
Green tea with cinnamon
Cinnamon can reduce the feeling of hunger, so a drink with it is useful for losing weight. It also cleanses the intestines, removes harmful substances from the body, reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Green tea with cinnamon can harm those who suffer from kidney and liver diseases, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Green tea with honey and lemon
As in the case of ginger, the combination of green tea with honey and lemon increases the beneficial properties in the drink and increases the concentration of substances important for the body. It strengthens the immune system well, helps to recover faster from viral diseases. Green tea with honey and lemon has bactericidal, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory properties, tones, improves brain activity, and is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The ingredients of the drink can cause allergies, it is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases.
Green tea with mint
It is believed that mint has a calming effect, due to which green tea with it is less tonic than other varieties. It is used for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, soothes headaches, improves appetite . It also strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body, fights oxidative stress, slows down aging, and prevents the formation of edema. The drink can cause indigestion, diarrhea, allergic reactions, dizziness if consumed excessively.
Slimming with green tea
Green tea helps to lose weight because it contains polyphenols, which are involved in the processing of stored fat. Also, the drink has antioxidant properties and improves metabolism. With a balanced diet, green tea helps to lose weight, because it has a diuretic effect, gently suppresses appetite, removes excess fluid from the body, has a minimum calorie content, but at the same time saturates with useful substances.
Green tea in medicine
Green tea is used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine. They are treated for high blood pressure, in China they believe that the drink activates the mind, normalizes blood flow and the nervous system, relieves tension, promotes digestion, neutralizes toxins, and improves eyesight. It helps to normalize weight, is good for the heart, has antitumor properties, increases the body’s resistance to various radiations and free radicals. Modern science claims that green tea is suitable for the treatment of psoriasis, reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and is useful for cancer prevention, which is shown by numerous scientific studies .
Application in cooking
Usually green tea is brewed, but matcha is added to bars, pastries, drinks, and even dumplings. Jasmine tea can be used as a marinade, bergamot drink is added to ice cream, muffins, soufflés, cakes, and Labsang Souchong smoked tea is included in meat seasoning. Green tea jelly is also popular in Asia.
How to choose
First of all, you should abandon the packaged green tea – it often contains flavoring additives. It is best to choose a natural leaf product. When buying by weight, you should take into account the color of the tea leaves, they should be the same size, fragrant, without tea dust and preservatives. If the product is in a pack, the composition should also not contain anything foreign.
How to brew and drink green tea
To prepare a drink, water must be free of hard impurities that can spoil the taste of green tea. It must be turned off immediately after boiling and allowed to cool slightly to a temperature of 75-80 degrees. The dishes must be preheated by pouring hot water over them. Then you should fill it with tea leaves, add a little hot water and drain it. After that, you can brew a drink.
How to store
Store green tea in a place where there are no other odors because it absorbs them. It must be kept in sealed packaging, for example, in a tin container, a metallized bag, a tight glass jar. Sunlight as well as an unsealed container can rob green tea of flavor and aroma.

Nutritionist Veronika Khovanskaya answered popular questions from RIA Novosti.
Can you drink green tea every day?
– Green tea can be drunk every day, while the optimal amount is 3-5 cups (200 ml per serving) per day.
Is it possible to brew green tea a second time?
– If we are talking about leaf green tea, then it even needs to be brewed several times. It is better to use pouring kettles so that the drink does not brew too much – this adds extra bitterness and spoils the taste. There is no point in brewing tea bags a second time.
What does green tea remove from the body?
– Green tea has many positive effects, reducing “bad” cholesterol , increases the body’s resistance to infection and more. But if we talk about removing, as advertised, “slags”, then no, it does not remove them, this is just a marketing ploy.
Can you drink green tea on an empty stomach?
– Drinking green tea on an empty stomach can have negative effects on the body, such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, and even constipation. It is better to drink green tea between meals or after meals.
How does green tea affect the heart?
– Green tea helps lower blood pressure, which is good for cardiovascular health.
How much caffeine is in green tea?
– On average, a cup (200 ml) contains 25-40 mg of caffeine. At the same time, in the same container with black tea there will be 14-70 mg of caffeine, in 100 ml of coffee – 50-80 mg, and in espresso – 250 mg.
What are the benefits of green tea for skin?
– When we talk about the skin, it should be understood that the benefits of green tea can be obtained from masks, creams and other cosmetics containing its extract. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce dark circles under the eyes, even out skin tone, etc. Simply drinking or washing with green tea has no proven benefit.
What happens if you drink green tea at night?
– Green tea has many health benefits, including improving sleep. However, drinking green tea less than 2 hours before bed can lead to poor sleep and increased nighttime urination, which also impairs sleep.
What is better to drink – green tea or black?
– Two drinks are full of useful properties. In some points one variety is in the lead, in others – the second. Black tea is good invigorating, but less “aggressive” than coffee . A drink made from green leaves serves as a good antioxidant and helps to get rid of edema.