Many plants and herbs that grow in any garden have healing effects, but how can you prepare these herbal teas and make them effective? Many different plants have been used as infusions for centuries and are not only found in pharmacies. It pays to go wide-eyed through the garden or park, as there are many herbs to prepare a healthy organic infusion. We explain in detail how to prepare an infusion .
Mint against gastrointestinal problems
Who wants to plant mint in his own garden for medicinal purposes, it is better to choose the variety Peppermint. However, not every variety of mint is good, due to the many varieties that exist and among them are also poisonous spices or some with a high menthol content, which can cause gastrointestinal irritation.
On the safe side is Peppermint, as its essential oils soothe gastrointestinal upset and increase bile production and biliary drainage.
Nettle infusion helps the kidneys
You can find the nettle almost everywhere and many gardeners will not like to see much in their garden, because it has very strong vegetation, but if the young shoots are eradicated, a great infusion can be prepared. Especially the first fresh shoots contain many valuable minerals and vitamins, but at the same time the filtering capacity of the kidney increases .
Chamomile and yarrow against cramps
Chamomile grows in many gardens and in chamomile infusion It is a strong anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic , helping in cases of irritated mucous membranes or gastritis. Chamomile promotes wound healing and breathing hot water vapor with chamomile helps with cold symptoms, but a more antispasmodic effect than chamomile is found in yarrow flowers.
Thyme and sage
The thyme(Thymus vulgaris) is not only known to be a popular culinary herb, but also a useful medicinal plant that is often underestimated. Thanks to its antimicrobial effect, it helps us keep bacteria low in the mucosal areas caused by a cold.
A good accompaniment to thyme is sage, since it reduces inflammation in the mouth and throat in colds, and to obtain good results they generally gargle with its infusion. Sage is especially used in cases of gastrointestinal mucosa and also reduces sweating, therefore it is often used during menopause.
How do you prepare a herbal infusion correctly?
The dried leaves and flowers are crushed before infusion, this creates a larger surface area on the leaves and the aroma can unfold better. Those who use fresh plants should take about four to five times the normal amount and only boiling water should be used because this ensures that possible germs are killed.
It must be remembered that plants grow close to the ground and bird droppings fall there, for example, which can contaminate the plant with diseases, and there may even be salmonella. That is why boiling water is needed. Depending on the herb, the rest time is between five and ten minutes.
How to dry herbs?
If you think about making your own homemade organic infusion, you should consider the origin of the herbs and above all use organic herbs. You can grow them in the garden of your house, on the balcony or inside your house in a container near the window.
For make an infusion or cup of tea dried herbs are generally used, normally freshly picked herbs can be air dried or faster in the oven at about 50 degrees. This kiln drying process takes approximately 6-8 hours to complete and the temperature should not exceed 50º so that the valuable ingredients of the herbs are fully retained.
After drying the herbs are stored separately in a tightly closed container in a dark and dry place, from there you can try to make interesting combinations between different dried herbs.
Herbal infusions do not replace the treatments prescribed by the doctor

Despite the enthusiasm for healthy infusions from nature, it must be remembered that the beneficial amounts of these plants are not comparable to medicines prescribed by a doctor.
The herbal or fruit infusions they support the healing processes and often the amount of vitamins in the plant is too small to obtain a relevant medical effect in cases of strong illnesses. But they can be an excellent complement. Who has not taken an infusion of lime blossom to relax or a chamomile to alleviate bad digestion? It is not uncommon for you to plant with the infused bamboo have become so popular. But you have to take them with knowledge and all precautions.