Infusions in lactation

If you like infusions, one of the big questions that may arise during breastfeeding is which ones are safe and which ones are not. It is very important that, at the time of breastfeeding, you pay attention to the compatibility of the food you eat with breastfeeding because, as happens during pregnancy, everything you eat will pass directly to your baby through breast milk.

We present a few ideas of infusions that you can take without fear while breastfeeding. 

Why consume herbal teas while breastfeeding?

The immediate answer is “because you like it” but, beyond this situation, you should consider that during lactation the need for hydration is greater than usual. If in general it is recommended to drink two liters of water per day, nursing mothers should increase their consumption by at least half a liter.

This is because babies ingest approximately 700 ml of milk per day until their sixth month of life. Of course, some will drink more and some less. When breastfeeding, the woman loses a large amount of fluids, so dry mouth after feeding is common.

A good way to consume the recommended almost 3 liters of water is to combine the intake of water, juices and infusions and, for that, it is essential that you know which ones are safe for your baby.

What infusions can you drink without problems while breastfeeding?

Did you know that some plants can generate rejection in the baby when breastfeeding since they modify the taste of milk? Beyond this situation, certain herbs commonly used in infusions can cause discomfort in the baby, such as diarrhea or colic.

Others, such as mint, are not recommended during lactation since, according to lactation experts, it could decrease milk production. However, it is worth clarifying that there is no scientific data in this regard.

Despite the above, there are many delicious infusions that you can enjoy while you breastfeed your little one.

Ginger infusion

Ginger is famous for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, the intake of ginger infusion is usually recommended to combat infectious conditions such as the flu, cold or sore throat.

Some research has indicated that it has a galactogogue effect, that is, it increases milk production. However, the data are inconclusive.

In any case, the most important thing is that it is a safe infusion during lactation, as well as being delicious, although with a hint of spice that not everyone likes.

Peel a piece of ginger (the size depends on your taste) about 3 cm and then cut into slices. Infuse in boiling water for three minutes, strain and sweeten with honey before drinking.

Thyme infusion

This drink is usually recommended when there are digestive problems and/or gas. In addition, it has relaxing properties that help you fall asleep and has an antitussive effect.

Thyme infusion is prepared by making a decoction of one teaspoon of dried thyme per cup of boiling water. Let stand 5 minutes, strain and drink. You can also add lemon, orange, grapefruit, or honey, if you wish.


Rooibos is an infusion allowed during lactation because, unlike black tea and other varieties, it does not contain caffeine, a substance whose consumption should be extremely limited during pregnancy and lactation. On the other hand, it has antioxidant potential and provides different nutrients such as vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron and zinc.

Follow the instructions on the package to correctly infuse the rooibos. The best? You can get rooibos combined with vanilla or fruits like orange, among other options.

Chamomile infusion

Chamomile is another plant that you can safely infuse and consume while breastfeeding. Traditionally used as a diuretic and sedative, chamomile also promotes good digestion.

To prepare a rich cup, heat the water to 85°C and infuse two teaspoons of dried flowers for 6 minutes.

Fruit infusions

Another good option to drink liquids while breastfeeding is to prepare fruit infusions, for example, berries, orange or lemon. There is no contraindication in this regard, they are delicious and easy to prepare. You just have to bring the water to a boil, add the fruit, previously well washed, and let it cook for about 8 to 10 minutes.

Lemon balm infusion

Historically used to treat anxiety and insomnia, lemon balm also serves as an antispasmodic and antiviral. Some pediatricians recommend chamomile infusion as a treatment for infant colic; however, we have not found scientific research on this.

Add a handful of lemon balm leaves for each cup and let stand in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. Strain and drink.

Rosehip infusion

Rose hips are the small fruits of the wild rose bush. They are infused to obtain a drink recommended in the treatment of flu and colds due to their concentration of vitamins B, C and K.

To prepare it, make a decoction of one tablespoon of rose hips per cup of water. Turn off the heat when it comes to a boil and let stand 4 minutes, before straining and drinking.

These infusions have been validated for consumption during lactation in the e-lactancy portal, a trusted source managed by a medical team to find out what you can take, to what extent and what not while you are breastfeeding. If you have questions about a specific infusion. In this way, you will have no reason to be afraid of taking your infusion while you breastfeed your baby.

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