Raspberry tea is currently widely used in the field of obstetrics, because it favors contractions and relaxes. Obstetricians recommend it to pregnant women to prepare them for childbirth. The tea is made using the leaves of the raspberry bush, the curious thing is that it does not have a raspberry flavor. In this post we will talk to you : is raspberry leaf tea acidic? Or the raspberry leaf tea is it alkaline?
The raspberry is believed to be native to North America, although it also grows in Europe and northwest Asia. You may know this fruit for its characteristic flavor and color, but that’s not all it offers. For example, its leaves are used in therapeutic and potential treatments. Also in folk medicine, raspberry leaf tea was used to treat wounds, colic, and diarrhea.
The raspberry fruit is eaten as food and used in the preparation of syrups. Some properties of the raspberry fruit are:
- Provides bioflavonoids.
- It contains a significant amount of vitamin C and E.
- It provides a lot of fiber.
- It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium.
- It is rich in vitamins B7 and A.
How to drink pregnancy raspberry tea?
Currently, pregnant women, in addition to taking their monthly prenatal control, also opt for natural means as alternative therapies. The intention is to achieve a pain-free delivery, or at least adequately overcome contractions. Among the natural alternatives is the raspberry tea, but is raspberry leaf tea acidic? Is it actually good during pregnancy?
Raspberry tea is made from the raspberry leaf. People who have drunk it are surprised because its flavor is different from the flavor of the fruit. Its taste is bitter, its use comes from ancient times, it helps to withstand the pain of contractions and relaxes the woman for labor.
There are studies that indicate that women who drink raspberry tea during pregnancy (especially in the last weeks) achieve a less painful delivery and reduce stress. However, the scientific evidence is not concrete, so the effectiveness in these cases has not been proven. What raspberry tea does is that it prepares the cervix, relaxes its muscles, relieves cramps and stimulates contractions. To prepare raspberry tea in pregnancy do the following:
Boil water and place a teaspoon of raspberry leaves per cup. Remove from the heat and let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes. There are countries where raspberry leaves are already ready in pharmacies or herbalists. Also in capsules, in case you don’t like this type of infusion.
How to take raspberry tea to dilate?
Sometimes it is believed that plants, because they are natural, are safe and harmless, but you have to be very careful when consuming them. Before you decide to drink raspberry tea, you should first consult your doctor.
Is raspberry leaf tea acidic? If you decide to drink raspberry tea, it should not be done before the 37th week of pregnancy, it is the right time when it can be drunk daily. As the weeks go by, the dose can be increased, for example, in week 38 it will be 2 cups daily, in week 39 it will be 3 cups and so on. The dose must be progressive, so that its uterotonic action will also be progressive and the woman will be coupling without problems.
Raspberry tea can continue to be taken after delivery to help the uterus return to its normal size and reduce blood loss. The dose of raspberry tea that should be taken postpartum starts with 4 cups, and is gradually reduced as the body returns to normal.
Raspberry leaves, being rich in tannins, can cause gastritis or gastric ulcers in certain people, and can also cause constipation. But these leaves are not only useful in childbirth, but also in other situations, such as: menstrual pain, angina, inflamed gums, diarrhea, canker sores or dermatological problems (acne or itching). For these cases its preparation is different and it is best to consult a specialist.
How to take raspberry?

The raspberry fruit has a number of benefits for women, in them: it helps to control the menstrual cycle, its leaves improve the function of the uterus, it prevents tension and spasms. Popular wisdom indicates that, with the raspberry leaves collected at the beginning of summer, a rich infusion is prepared that benefits the functions of the uterus and also provides the necessary hydration.
Despite the fact that its contribution in this regard has not yet been determined in the scientific field, there are those who argue that if one goes much deeper, it is possible to find the answer. However, it will be necessary to continue with the studies. But why specifically consume raspberry leaves? Because it is a plant that occurs both in Europe, North America and Asia, it is also easily cultivated in gardens or pots.
Is raspberry leaf tea acidic? These leaves were used in ancient times to control a woman’s menstrual period and keep the female reproductive system healthy. However, they were enough reasons for women to be encouraged to eat the leaves of this plant and thus keep menstrual discomfort under control.
This was done because it was said that consuming them daily would effectively work the muscles of the pelvis and the uterus, both during the menstrual cycle and in the pregnancy and childbirth. They are also associated with other benefits:
- Improves fertility, prevents miscarriages and bleeding.
- Relieves nausea in early pregnancy.
- Increases the production of breast milk.
- Facilitates labor in women.
Due to the above, many women consider that raspberry leaf tea helps in good uterine health.