In Japan and other countries around the world, green tea is known to have many benefits, therefore it is a widely consumed drink. It contains several components, including theine, which has an exciting effect, but also a very beneficial one, L-theanine, which helps control stress, anxiety and relaxes the body. In this post we will talk about L theanine tea , what do you need to know?
L-theanine is a substance that is sold in health food stores or herbalists, independently of the tea. It is not that it can be made in the form of an infusion, it is in the form of capsules or tablets. It has many benefits Apart from those already mentioned, it also naturally raises the hormone of happiness, without the need to introduce chemical substances into the body.
L theanine tea. What is it?
L theanine is an amino acid found almost uniquely in the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. In green tea, this compound represents 1 to 4% of its dry weight. It has been a dietary supplement for 30 years and it was in Japan where it became popular in 1994 as a way to relieve stress and encourage relaxation.
It then made its way to North America and now L-theanine tea can be found as an ingredient in food and beverages, as well as a dietary supplement. Between the benefits of this tea there is its rapid action, its effects occur within ½ hour of consuming it and last between 8 to 12 hours.
Green tea and L theanine
Any discussion that mentions green tea should include the L theanine, because during the process of photosynthesis it is the one that produces the catechins. Also, it is the one that gives the flavor and aroma that characterizes the tea.
The green tea with the highest amount of L-theanine is Matcha, because before its harvest (three weeks) its plants are placed in the shade. This causes more theanine in its leaves because the photosynthesis process is minimized, giving it the characteristic taste of matcha tea. Being in the shade, chlorophyll is concentrated in the tips of the plants and is what gives the matcha its bright green.
Due to the above, traditional green teas contain low tannins (5 mg per cup). The one that is grown in the shade (this is the case of matcha tea) contains 9 times that amount (between 25 to 30 mg per cup). Caffeine and L theanine in matcha tea have almost the same amounts.
L Theanine Tea Benefits
Research in humans has shown the benefits of L-theanine tea , including the reduction of anxiety and irritability caused by the effects of caffeine.
- Feeling of pleasure and calm. This compound not only helps us feel good, it also stimulates the happiness hormone naturally. It increases dopamine and serotonin, generating calming effects and to provide relaxation, it neutralizes L-glutamic acid.
- Greater concentration. It helps to think clearly, it is not to relax to the point of not stopping, but to make the mind clear, in a normal state. May there be greater concentration, both in study and at work.
- Power charge. With this compound you will be full of energy, with your batteries always recharged. In addition, it is a great antioxidant that slows down the aging process and helps detoxify the body.
- Protect the heart. L theanine tea reduces blood pressure in difficult situations, for example, performing specific mental tasks. When the pressure is low, the risks of heart attack and stroke are reduced.
- Strengthens the immune system. Studies indicate that L theanine decreases infections in the respiratory system. However, another study indicates that the antioxidants and L-theanine in green tea are effective in preventing the flu.
- antitumor effects. Scientists maintain that L theanine improves the capacity of medicines that fight and treat cancer.
- It helps to lose weight. As it is a drink of few calories, contributes to weight loss. The L-theanine content in green tea gives it that umami flavor, so you’re less hungry for weight loss.
L Theanine Tea Side Effects
It is safe to consume L theanine tea in the form of a dietary supplement or to drink tea that contains it. Therefore, it can be said that L theanine does not have side effects. Although certain studies indicate positive results in terms of its antitumor properties, there may be other elements that affect people suffering from cancer in some way.
It is said that the EGCC polyphenol in green tea can make certain drugs ineffective, such as bortezomib, which is used in chemotherapies. So it is advisable to consult with your doctor if you are undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
Now, since green tea contains caffeine, if drunk in excess, it is likely to cause stomach ache, nausea, irritability, etc. Pregnant or lactating women should avoid drinking too much green tea.
Dosage consumption of L theanine

Although the studies are not conclusive there is no certainty as to what is the safe dose of L theanine tea . In this sense, in case of doubt, it is best to consult a doctor before taking a dietary supplement.
It is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until an effect is achieved.
- If it is to fall asleep or control stress: 100 to 400 mg.
- When combined with caffeine: 12 to 100 mg of L theanine and 30 to 100 mg of caffeine.
Remember that any doubt, before taking any dietary supplement you should consult your doctor.