Rosemary is a plant that grows throughout the Mediterranean basin and is very common in the Iberian Peninsula. In ancient times it was part of traditional medicine for its great properties, the most popular were those for external use. Currently, the interest it arouses lies in its powerful antioxidant effects. In this post we will talk about rosemary tea benefits , ingredient and side effects.
It is part of the labiatae family, a shrub that can grow up to five feet tall. Its strong aroma can be compared to that of camphor, pine, nutmeg and lavender. It is used in food as a seasoning for stews, meats, fish, etc.
In ancient times it was used in witchcraft, to remove the evil eye or to ward off diseases, such as the black plague. In addition, it represented a symbol of love and happiness at weddings in ancient Rome and Greece, because it was considered a sacred plant.
rosemary tea benefits
Below are the main benefits of rosemary tea .
Improves digestion
To improve the digestive process, it is drunk after lunch and dinner, thus avoiding gas and heartburn. With its intake the stomach will not suffer from bloating or lack of appetite.
Acts as a natural antibiotic
Its antibiotic properties help fight scherichia coli , Salmonella typhi , S. enteritidis and Shigella sonei. This property is also among the benefits of rosemary tea with ginger , in addition to being a powerful anti-inflammatory.
The benefits of rosemary and clove tea can be used to combat the flu, bronchitis and colds. Cloves improve neurotransmitter functions.
It is an excellent diuretic
The rosemary tea It has diuretic properties that help combat fluid retention and is used as an ingredient to lose weight. One of the benefits of rosemary tea with apple is to help the body eliminate liquids and toxins, cleansing the body of impurities.
activate the mind
Various investigations determine that rosemary tea acts on the proper functioning of the brain. It is excellent to consume before and after having had intense work, exams or meetings. People say that properties reduce the possibility of suffering from Alzheimer’s, activating memory.
Strengthens the hair
Among the benefits of rosemary tea for hair is the strengthening of its strands, the reduction of sebum and dandruff. It is excellent for use in hair washing. In addition, another of the benefits of rosemary tea for hair is the improvement of circulation in the scalp, favoring its growth.
improves skin
Among the benefits of rosemary tea on the face is the improvement of the skin, reaffirming it and giving it smoothness. It also hydrates it in depth, reduces bags and dark circles.
Inhibits the action of tumors
Rosemary tea helps reduce tumor action, thanks to its antioxidant properties. However, more studies are required in this regard.
rosemary tea benefits preparations
Some of the recipes that combine other herbs with rosemary infusion the following are found.
Rosemary and bay leaf tea
Among the benefits of rosemary and laurel tea are that it improves digestion, mood, and is excellent for hair growth. The action of the laurel helps to relieve the heaviness of the stomach. To prepare it, the following ingredients are required:
- 5 grams of rosemary.
- 4 grams of bay leaf.
- 150 ml of water.
The steps are:
- Add the rosemary and bay leaf to the boiling water.
- Let infuse for 5 minutes.
- It is drunk warm, preferably unsweetened.
Oil flavored with rosemary and oregano tea
The greatest of the benefits of rosemary and oregano tea is the effect of its natural antioxidants, excellent for food to be better preserved when packaged. This benefit is thanks to its chemical components and polyphenols.
- ¼ tablespoon of dried rosemary.
- 100 ml of oil.
- ¼ tablespoon dried oregano.
The steps are:
- In a glass container, add the rosemary and oregano.
- Mix and cover.
- It is stored in the fridge.
- Excellent to use on pizzas, breads, cookies, etc.
Rosemary and thyme tea
Some of the benefits of rosemary and thyme tea are: its richness in essential oils and how effective it is in phytotherapy treatments. Recommended for oral, intestinal and respiratory infections.
To prepare this infusion you must do the following:
- Boil half a liter of water.
- When it starts to boil, add the leaves and turn off the heat.
- Cover and let infuse for a few minutes.
- Strain and drink.
rosemary tea benefits Secondary effect

So far we already know the benefits of rosemary tea and we know how to prepare it with other herbs. Now it is necessary to know some contraindications before deciding to consume it. In general, poisoning from its ingestion is rare, but the following must be taken into account:
- If consumed in excess it could cause abdominal spasms, gastroenteritis and vomiting.
- It is not convenient to drink it if you suffer from gallstones.
- Rosemary tea can be used both internally and externally. In this sense, if you have sensitive skin, it is best to apply a little behind your ears to see if there is an allergic reaction.
- It is not recommended in pregnant women, lactating women or in children under 6 years of age.