There is no doubt that Chai tea is delicious. But, for some reason, it has been more than 2,500 years that many people continue to take advantage of the properties and benefits of Chai tea. Discover them.
If you usually frequent Indian food restaurants or if you have traveled to India or simply like its cuisine, it is very likely that you have tried chai tea. It is that this black tea with spices is drunk in that country like mate in Argentina and Uruguay: on the street, walks, means of transport, and in all homes. Even the word “chai” means “tea” in Hindi, so “chai tea” is redundant for them.
This spiced tea is usually composed of:
– Black tea
– Cinnamon
– Cardamom
– Cloves
– Ginger
– Pepper
And to learn more Is chai tea really healthy or a guilty pleasure? , or you can buy the best chai tea in sachets , and innovate with a recipe like this Chai Smoothie or this exquisite recipe with chestnuts .
As you will realize, chai tea is delicious. But not only for this reason it has been drunk for 2500 years, but it has many properties and benefits for health.
14 Properties and Benefits of chai tea
1- Anti-inflammatory: reduces pain associated with osteoarthritis and arthritis
There are several ingredients in chai tea that help relieve pain associated with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, specifically cloves, ginger, and cinnamon. Studies show that whole, crushed, or clove oil have properties that help reduce inflammation, just like cinnamon and ginger.
According to the Arthritis Foundation , ginger has properties very similar to the well-known ibuprofen. Used in Asian medicine for centuries, ginger works by suppressing some of the inflammatory molecules. A ginger extract called Eurovita 77 extract was found to reduce inflammatory reactions in rheumatoid arthritis just as effectively as steroids.
Additionally, research published in Pharmaceutical Biology examined the anti-inflammatory effects of certain oils, including clove oil. Albino rats were fed these cold-pressed oils, and the researchers found that clove oil, especially, ” could minimize acute inflammation .”
When it comes to cinnamon, a study published in Phytotherapy Research reports that cinnamon bark essential oil shows promise as an anti-inflammatory when human skin cells are tested. However, the researchers noted that “further research is required to clarify its mechanism of action.”
2- Very effective against nausea:
Ginger is one of the ingredients in chai, so the tea is a great option when you have an upset stomach. Ginger will help reduce nausea and vomiting and even eliminate the discomfort of motion sickness (travel dizziness) and chemotherapy-induced nausea.
According to research reviewed in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , this very popular and time-honored remedy for gastrointestinal upset may even decrease nausea and vomiting associated with cancer.
Ginger contains bioactive compounds within the root of the spice, particularly gingerol and shogaol. These compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, as noted above, making it a great choice for anyone experiencing upset stomach issues of any kind.
3- Super antioxidant:
Because chai tea is based on black tea, it also has the same benefits as this traditional tea. If you ask someone in Japan or China, places where longevity is much higher than in the West, what their favorite drink is, they will tell you that it is tea, especially green or black.
Teas are loaded with antioxidants called polyphenols, known antioxidant agents that extend the life of our body’s cells , keeping them vital and functioning in optimal conditions.
We know that the job of antioxidants is to eliminate free radicals that can cause cell damage. Tea has more polyphenols than fruits and vegetables. Of course we’re not suggesting you ditch your fruits and vegetables (they have many more beneficial properties), but adding a cup of chai tea to your day could offer you even more antioxidants to help fight free radical damage. These are especially linked to the aging of cells in all tissues.
4- It is a powerful digestive:
Many spices are known for their digestive properties and their benefits have been known for centuries. Black pepper is one of them.
It is common for chai tea to be consumed after a meal for that very reason. So how does black pepper aid digestion ? It seems that it has the ability to help the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes.
This action helps speed up the time required to digest fats and proteins.
The studies experimented with a few different blends of spices, all of which contained black pepper, and all of which helped with digestion. Combining the right spices, such as those found in chai tea—specifically cardamom, ginger, fennel, cloves, and black pepper—offers extra gut support as well .
5- Improves cardiac activity:
One of the reasons why the average life in the East is longer than in the West is because the Eastern diet determines a lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
A diet rich in protein and low in fat (less red meat, more soy) and a higher intake of tea are some of the associated factors.
In addition to the polyphenols that tea contains, chai tea adds this benefit from cinnamon. Cinnamon is found in a variety of cuisines, from Greek food to Arabic sweets, and is a key ingredient in chai tea that has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.
It can help people with diabetes regulate blood sugar levels, helps stabilize cholesterol and triglycerides, and studies have shown that cinnamon helps lower blood pressure.
Known as the eternal tree of tropical medicine, cinnamon contains vital oils and other derivatives, giving it the ability to help fight diabetes and cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease. It has even been reported to help fight Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
6- Fight depression:
Against depression, nothing better than a good chai tea . Helps combat symptoms associated with depression, such as drowsiness, lack of concentration and listlessness.
The main reason for relief from depression is due to the caffeine present in the tea. Caffeine makes a person feel active and full of energy. So when a depressed patient takes caffeine, he feels relieved. In this way, Chai tea soothes the mind and body. In addition, the cardamom it contains is a good stimulant.
7- Helps prevent Alzheimer’s:
In Alzheimer’s patients there is a failure in the function of the tau protein present in neurons, which instead of being distributed forming “roads” like train tracks, accumulates within neurons.
This causes the failure of brain activity. The cinnamon present in chai tea prevents those clusters of tau protein from forming and preventing it from remaining in the form of filaments, fulfilling its normal function. In this way you can not only prevent Alzheimer’s, but also open a door to the treatment of this disease.
8- Prevents Parkinson’s:
Almost 2% of adults over the age of 65 have Parkinson’s disease.
Sodium benzoate, a component of cinnamon found in chai tea, stimulates the production of neuroprotective proteins that protect neurons from damage and the detrimental effects of oxidative stress; It can be an effective formula for the therapy of Parkinson’s disease and its prevention.
9- It is antidiabetic:
The cinnamon present in chai tea contains a substance from cinnamon that has been isolated and named “insulin-enhancing factor” .
Molecules known as Polyphenols A present in cinnamon have an effect very similar to insulin, lowering glucose levels.
10- Reduces cholesterol:
Black tea , the base of chai tea, has a marked cholesterol-lowering effect , partly due to the presence of flavonoids.
11- Lowers blood pressure:
The cinnamon in chai tea is a multifaceted spice that also has a healthy effect in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive people. It is not very clear how this effect is produced, but it is believed to be due to the vasodilator action of an aldehyde present in cinnamon .
12- Decreases menstrual pain:
Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is abdominal pain suffered by women from the day before menstruation onwards.
The ginger present in chai tea has been known since ancient times as a pain reliever. In one study, 150 women were instructed to take 1 gram of ginger powder daily for the first 3 days of their menstrual period, and it was as effective a pain reliever as ibuprofen.
13- Helps fight infections:
Drinking a cup of chai tea per day can be an effective method to prevent and combat winter viral infections, especially respiratory ones.
The ginger present in chai tea is responsible for this effect, as well as the microbial action in gum infections, such as gingivitis and periodontitis .
14- It is a natural aphrodisiac:
Chai tea can be a good option for a romantic night. The cardamom it contains is a powerful stimulant for the nervous system due to its high content of aromatic oils (cineole) which is an aphrodisiac with an action similar to ginseng. Cardamom is widely used in Indian cuisine in order to increase the sexual attraction of couples.
As you will see, Chai tea is the perfect combination between tea and spices, since both come together to provide you with a healthy and delicious drink.