If we had to choose the most buzzword in healthy living publications, it would be the word “detox”. But what exactly are detox plans? Is it a healthy diet program? Is it about ingesting some juices or smoothies that do not seem very tasty? Is it true that you have to drink vinegar? Or take a mystery mix of herbs and vegetables?
If we had to choose the most buzzword in healthy living publications, it would be “ detox ”. But what exactly are detox plans? Is it a healthy diet program? Is it about ingesting some juices or smoothies that do not seem very tasty? Is it true that you have to drink vinegar? Or take a mystery mix of herbs and vegetables?
The truth is, there are a lot of myths out there, so this article will help you decode the best way to detoxify your body, as well as offer tips to get the most out of your cleansing and detox regimen, without having to incorporate supplements. doubtful efficacy.
What does it mean to detoxify the body?
Detoxification is a natural function of the body to neutralize, transform, or eliminate unwanted materials or toxins. It is a primary function of the organism, for which it puts several organs and systems to work: liver, kidney, intestine, vascular system and even the skin are responsible for eliminating these substances.
So when we talk about detoxification or detox plan, it is about improving and optimizing this natural function and at the same time reducing the amount of toxins we ingest, as well as feeding ourselves with nutrients that the body needs.
Detox or cleaning inside:
Since we were children we have very well incorporated the external cleanliness of our body: bathing, brushing our teeth, washing our hair, are cultural mandates that are transmitted from generation to generation. But what about cleaning the inside of the body?
Since the lack of internal cleanliness or detoxification is not as evident as the stale sweat from not bathing, we do not give it much importance. But we produce toxins and chemicals (metabolites) derived from our natural metabolism that need to be disposed of. In general we do it through urine, feces and sweat. But your body probably can’t handle the amount of waste produced by your poor diet, lack of exercise, alcohol or cigarettes, or poor hydration. Maybe you don’t spend your whole life eating poorly, but lately you’ve had a couple of weekends where junk food was your mainstay. In any of these cases, a detox plan makes a lot of sense.
Diets, Detox teas or infusions, juices or supplements?
The liver is responsible for cleaning our body of toxic substances. We know well how the toxicity of alcohol or fats can affect you when we suffer one of those terrible liver attacks during a hangover. If detoxification is about improving liver function, then it is best to eat natural foods, without added chemicals that give you too much work, fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, and eliminate alcohol. Also, to facilitate the elimination of feces, it is better to choose whole grains and hydrate very well. This diet is not a mysterious science.
If during the detox plan you eat a diet that includes vegetables, fruits and lean meats, why add juices or supplements? Dont have much sense! Apple cider vinegar is also often recommended as a detox promoter. We assume that drinking it must be very unpleasant, but it does not make much sense either: it is fermented apples, which is the same process that apples go through when we eat them, since they are fermented by bacteria in the intestine. So, why suffer taking vinegar?
The truth about Detox Tea:
Many detox plans include the use of teas or infusions. The effectiveness of these teas depends on their components, that is, the type of tea used and the natural herbs that accompany it. The best detox teas always include green tea , known for its slimming and fat-burning activity.
In addition, to be effective, a detox tea must contain herbs that, at a minimum:
-Increase metabolism
-Help in weight control
– Suppress your appetite
– Reduce swelling
– Reduce water retention
– Clean and detoxify the main internal organs
– Improve the skin
As a bonus, the best detox teas also contain herbs that :
– Balance blood sugar and pancreatic functions
– Eliminate free radicals that age cells
– Help unclog arteries and support liver function
– Strengthen the immune system
– They improve the digestive system and blood circulation.
In this article we will tell you what each of the herbs included in a detox tea is for, but as a summary we can mention that the ideal detox tea contains:
*Green tea base
*Valerian to reduce the anxiety of eating too much
*Anise, Eccinacea, Fennel, Coriander to improve digestive function
*Licorice, Nettle, Lemongrass and Oats for the liver and kidneys
*Apple and sunflower as antioxidants
*Natural stevia to sweeten
Detox plan to lose weight

Many people want to do a detox plan to lose weight. We must say that, although there are 2 or 3-day detox plans that promise significant weight loss, it is very difficult for this to happen. Most likely, you will really be able to detoxify yourself a little from the last excesses or you will be able to deflate a bit, but a few days are not enough to lose weight.
The best plan to lose weight with detox teas and a healthy diet is the one that is carried out for several weeks, ideally for at least 3 weeks, to give the metabolism time to speed up, burn fat, eliminate toxins, optimize the work of the liver, cleanse the skin of acne and impurities and purify the kidney and liver. This 26-day detox plan is precisely designed for you to lose weight, fill yourself with energy, get rid of bloating, improve your general health and above all, so that these effects are lasting.