Essiac tea is based on a group of herbs that are said to have cancer-fighting properties. Various companies market it under different names, but they all originate from the initial formula of Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse who invented it in 1920. In this post, you will learn how to make Essiac tea taste good .
The Herbs That Make Essiac Tea Possible (burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and rhubarb) have been scientifically tested and found to have a number of health benefits. Among them: it strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body and works against other diseases. However, the mixture has been used as an alternative treatment against cancer.
To know the various ways to prepare For this type of tea, we will focus on each of its herbs and the traditional preparation, which includes the mixture of them.
1. Burdock root
Everything that makes up the burdock is consumed: the root, young trunks and leaves. It is a highly edible plant in China and Hawaii, which is why it is used as an infusion and as food. To learn how to make Essiac tea taste good, in the case of burdock root it has several forms of presentation:
- If it is drunk as an infusion, prepare 40 grams of it in a liter of water and drink a maximum of 3 cups daily.
- In tincture, with fruit juice or water, adding 50 drops of it, divided into three doses.
- Liquid extract sold in any herbalist or pharmacy, consuming 40 drops daily, divided into three doses.
- The one that comes in capsules or with other species. Take two daily distributed in three doses.
2. How to make Essiac tea taste good with sheep sorrel
Belonging to the wheat family, also known as acetosa (not to be confused with the ornamental with the scientific name Rumex acetosa). It is a plant that grows wild, with little water and in arid soils. Its root is harvested in the first years of the plant, in the autumn season, which is when the energies are much more concentrated in the root.
The leaves of this plant are used as a cooking seasoning and have been used in French cuisine for hundreds of years. In addition, the Indians use it as a seasoning in their preparations with meat and bread. Therefore, it serves both as a herb and as food.
Among the preparations that exist with this plant is the sorrel soup, which is taken in summer and its preparation consists of: boiling potatoes, frying onions and then adding the sorrel at the end. When serving it is made with boiled egg and sour cream.
3. Slippery Elm
Another way to know how to make Essiac tea taste good is with another of the herbs it contains: slippery elm. To make Essiac tea its inner bark is used, it can be found in Canada and the United States as an ornamental tree.
Slippery elm comes in various forms: tablet, powder, extract, and lozenges. If you prefer it in the form of an infusion, it is prepared as follows: in half a liter of boiling water, add two tablespoons of powder and crushed slippery elm leaves. Remove from heat and let infuse for about 5 minutes. Strain and sweeten as preferred, preferably with honey.
Its healing properties are concentrated in its high content of mucilage, a substance that, when it comes into contact with water, turns into a kind of gel. Among its benefits are: relieves coughs and sore throats, reduces inflammation of the intestine, treats urinary infections, etc.
4. How to make Essiac tea taste good with Rhubarb
Called Turkey rhubarb, they are edible red stems that are included in cakes, jams, puddings or in the form of tea. They can be eaten prepared or raw. The cooked ones help reduce oxalic oxide by up to 87%. If they are stored in a very cold place, that rust can reach the stem, which could negatively affect the person who consumes it.
To prepare it in the form of jam, these ingredients are required:
- A kg of rhubarb.
- Orange peel zest.
- 400 grams of sugar.
- 80 ml of orange juice.
- 120 ml of water.
It is prepared like this:
In a pot with water place all the ingredients, and let it boil. Then lower the flame and leave it for 45 minutes until it thickens, stirring from time to time. Once the time has elapsed, the preparation is added in a glass jar, covered and stored in the fridge.
If consumed in excess it can cause intestinal colic, vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, it can cause low urine output, albuminuria (excess protein in the urine), or passing acetone in the urine.
5. Essiac Tea

Now, to prepare the traditional Essiac tea, it is done as follows:
- Bring a liter of water to a boil in a pot.
- add ½ cup of essiac tea. Cover and let boil for 10 minutes.
- Turn off the heat and let rest for 12 hours.
- To drink it should not be boiled, just warm it up.
- Use a strainer to pour the mixture into a sterilized glass jar.
- Before storing it in the fridge, let it cool down and cover it.
- This tea has a shelf life of up to 3 weeks, making it ideal for long-term storage.