Red tea, also known as Pu-erh tea, comes from China and its consumption has been very popular for thousands of years due to its particular manufacturing process and the multiple health benefits attributed to it. It is an ancient drink that you can gladly consume on a daily basis if you want, for example, to have a good natural supplement that improves your digestion, helps you lose weight or lower cholesterol, among other things. Keep reading this article in which we show you what red tea is for, and don’t hesitate to try it.
To improve digestion
Among the most outstanding properties of red tea are the digestive ones, as it is a wonderful natural remedy to stimulate the production of gastric acid and improve the generation of bile salts, something essential to improve the digestion of food and eliminate fat. In addition, red tea extract has been reported to help prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause conditions such as diarrhea and other discomforts in the digestive system.
To eliminate toxins and prevent fluid retention
Red tea also serves to eliminate those non-biological substances that accumulate in the body and that, in the long run, harm your good health. This is thanks to the fact that it is a great natural diuretic and depurative, making it ideal to include it in diets designed to detoxify the body and reduce measurements. Likewise, it can be a perfect ally to avoid the annoying retention of liquids, since it stimulates both the function of the kidney and that of the liver, thus facilitating the expulsion of unnecessary liquids.
For weight loss
And if what you are looking for is a natural supplement that helps you lose weight more effectively, as well as burn a greater amount of fat, red tea can offer you the expected results. Its slimming effects are due to the fact that it accelerates liver metabolism, which helps fats to be burned and eliminated more quickly. Include in your diet the consumption of 2 cups of red tea daily, it can be something that, in addition to promoting weight loss, benefits your health. For more details, we advise you to consult the article How to lose weight with red tea.
To lower cholesterol
A chemical compound in red tea called lovastatin is responsible for its ability to reduce high levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. That is why patients with high cholesterol can drink two cups of red tea daily for approximately 3 weeks and thus keep their blood pressure stable. Of course, it is not recommended that you start its consumption or increase the dose without first consulting your doctor.
To promote cell renewal

Red tea, containing polyphenols such as catechins or theaflavins, is a powerful natural antioxidant that is very beneficial for combating cell oxidation and protecting them against damage that can be caused by bad habits such as smoking, practicing intense physical exercise or severe stress disorder. It is also a good alternative to prevent premature aging and keep the body in perfect condition.