Chamomile has several properties that can help you solve some of the common problems of pregnancy. Heavy digestion, heartburn, gas … Let’s see, below, under what circumstances and in what way it is convenient to take chamomile infusion during pregnancy.
Teas, coffees and infusions during pregnancy
Let’s remember that during pregnancy, there are some substances whose consumption should be moderate, even some should be completely avoided. A clear and generalized recommendation is to control the consumption of caffeine.
Different studies have pointed out that a high consumption of caffeine during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and the baby having a low birth weight or subsequent growth problems. In addition, caffeine can cause stomach problems in pregnant women and also cause sleep. For this reason, a very moderate consumption of teas and coffees is recommended.
Herbal infusions, on the other hand, do not contain caffeine, so they would not cause these problems. However, there are several currents of opinion about whether it is convenient for pregnant women to consume them.
On the one hand, there are some herbal infusions that, due to their properties, are prohibited during pregnancy. On the other hand, there is a large group whose moderate consumption is considered safe.
The truth is that there is rather little information on the implications of high consumption of most infusions on the development of pregnancy. Let’s see next the case of chamomile.
Chamomile during pregnancy: is it safe?
Chamomile has been used since time immemorial as a remedy against nausea and vomiting, heartburn and indigestion, all typical symptoms of pregnancy.
If you have ever heard that this herb has abortion-inducing properties, the reality is that there is no scientific data to prove this claim.
How much can be drunk per day?
This is one of the most common doubts that chamomile raises during pregnancy, as well as all other infusions. In general, moderate consumption is recommended, that is, do not exceed two cups a day. As there is no scientific evidence to support its 100% safety, your doctor may indicate a maximum of one cup per day.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor will surely tell you to consume this infusion only a few times a week when you have stomach discomfort and alternate it with others, in order to minimize the supposed risks.
Note: It is very important that you stay hydrated during pregnancy. Drink enough fluids, increasing the normal amount to 2.5 or even 3 liters a day.
The properties of chamomile
Chamomile is a substance rich in calcium and magnesium. Perhaps the best known property of this herb is its ability to help you fall asleep. Its use as a relaxant is widely known and supported by different investigations.
Other benefits of chamomile include treating gas and indigestion, as well as relieving nausea. On the other hand, it is attributed a protective antioxidant effect against colds and anti-inflammatory properties that would help relieve discomfort caused, for example, by muscle problems or menstrual pain.
When to drink chamomile during pregnancy
In the first trimester, especially, moderate consumption is recommended and monitored by the doctor. During this period, chamomile infusion can be an interesting palliative for the annoying morning sickness that many women suffer from and that, in some cases, lasts throughout the day.
During the third trimester, the pregnant woman usually suffers from acidity and heavy digestion caused by the displacement of her stomach upwards. This movement causes a lower stomach capacity; that is, pregnant women can eat less food and feel full faster, even suffering from indigestion compared to a moderate consumption of food.
On the other hand, stomach acids can rise more easily as they are closer than usual to the oral cavity. Heartburn is one of the most common complaints described in the obstetrician’s office during the last months of pregnancy.
Drinking chamomile would be useful to calm nausea and vomiting, thanks to its antispasmodic effect. At the same time, it improves bowel movements allowing better digestion, fighting acidity and allowing the expulsion of gases.
In addition, the pregnant woman may suffer from insomnia during the last months. In these cases, the calming effect of chamomile would be perfect to help the mother-to-be fall asleep and get the rest she needs.
Frequently Asked Questions: Does Chamomile Help Trigger Labor?
Popular beliefs point to all kinds of activities as possible triggers of labor. It is common for pregnant women to seek this information in certain circumstances to speed up the natural process.
Having sex, exercising, going up and down stairs, eating spicy foods… are some of the options that are usually suggested. Taking chamomile is also a common one.
In reality, there are no scientific studies that can support this theory. Please, do not increase the intake of chamomile infusion to advance labor. Keep in mind that despite being a natural drink, it can have side effects.
Contraindications to drinking chamomile

As we have already mentioned, there are very few studies on the possible effects of chamomile on pregnant women and on the development of the baby. However, this herb has been proven to have anti-inflammatory agents. Therefore, it could be inferred that excessive consumption during pregnancy, especially by people who manifest certain chronic diseases, could be dangerous.
In any case, we recommend you consult your doctor before including chamomile infusion on a regular basis in your diet for pregnant women. In this way, a professional will be able to guide you, answer your questions and monitor the effects of the infusion on your body and that of your baby.