Essiac tea comes from the last name of its creator Rene Caisse, but in reverse. She was a Canadian nurse who based this drink on four herbs: burdock, sorrel, slippery elm, and rhubarb. It is believed to improve many health conditions, including cancer. We will talk about the benefits of Essiac tea , ingredients and side effects.
This tea has become popular lately because it is believed that kills cancer cells and also, it strengthens the immune system and detoxifies the body. The mixture was thought of as an alternative to fight cancer.
Essiac Tea Benefits
As this tea is said to have autoimmune properties, it is likely to reduce cancer risks and inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors. Other of the benefits of Essiac tea are these that we are going to teach you.
Improves the digestive system
One of the herbs that makes up the essiac tea It is slippery elm, it is said to improve bowel functions and cleanse the colon. It also encourages the formation of good bacteria that improve the digestive process. In addition, it facilitates the passage of feces, prevents ulcers and stomach acid.
detoxifies the body
Another of the benefits of essiac tea is that it maintains oxalic acid levels in the kidneys and reduces the risk of stone formation. In addition, it improves the functioning of the liver and bladder. It has a positive impact on the pancreas and controls diabetes, cleanses the blood and helps in the production of red blood cells.
Other benefits
In addition to those already mentioned, it is believed that it also has the following benefits, but there is still no evidence that this is the case:
- Heals wounds faster.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Increased oxygen uptake, so cells and tissues work better.
- Maintains stable blood cholesterol levels.
- Expels fluids from the respiratory system.
- Strengthens bones, ligaments and joints.
- Prevents the accumulation of fat in the kidneys, liver and heart.
Essiac Tea Ingredients
It has 4 main ingredients to which a number of properties that benefit health.
burdock root
Its scientific name is arctium lappa, it has large leaves and its flowers are purple. It is native to Europe and Asia. It is to its root that its properties are owed and it is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. In Japan and Europe it is cooked like a vegetable and is high in natural fiber.
It is low in calories and contains lauric, palmitic, stearic, tannin, myristic, polyphenolic acids, inulin, volatile acids, and polyacetylene. In addition to a series of vitamins such as: folic acid, vitamin E and C, pyridoxine and riboflavin. It also includes minerals such as: iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium and phosphorus.
slippery elm
It is a tree that has a particular bark and is dark brown in color. It is native to North America and can reach 80 feet in height. Native Americans used its bark for medicinal purposes, to soothe sore throats, heal superficial wounds, and treat inflammation.
When the elm is mixed with water it becomes a viscous element that calms and reduces inflammation. In addition, it is a remedy that treats skin, intestinal and respiratory problems. However, the evidence that exists does not confirm that it is effective.
sheep sorrel
It is a plant considered as an invasive weed, it comes from North America. It is also called red sorrel, sour grass, or sour weed. It has a variety of uses in food, but its consumption must be careful because it can cause liver and kidney damage.
Among the benefits of Essiac tea are those provided by this plant, among them: it relieves ailments caused by intestinal worms, it has diuretic effects, possible anticancer properties, etc. However, its consumption is not recommended in people who suffer from kidney stones, varicose veins or hemorrhoids, nor in pregnant women.
indian rhubarb
It is a plant from Asia, of which only its stems are used, because its leaves are toxic. It has been an ingredient in desserts to reduce sugar, because it has a bitter taste. Although it is also used in savory dishes.
It contains few calories, so it is excellent for people who want to lose weight. In addition, it is rich in fiber, which facilitates the movement of the intestines and contains little cholesterol, thus avoiding cardiovascular diseases. It also contains calcium, protecting bones and teeth. It has iron and potassium that will allow the body to recover after an intense day of exercises.
Essiac tea benefits. Side effects

It is known that there is little evidence that supports the effectiveness of Essiac tea in the treatment of cancer, however, there is some evidence about its side effects. When this compound is drunk there may be increased bowel movements, swollen glands, skin problems, mild headaches and flu-like symptoms.
It is not recommended for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia, because the burdock that makes up Essiac tea increases or decreases sugar levels. In addition, the oxalic acid in other herbs can cause vomiting, burning in the mouth or throat, nausea, low blood pressure, seizures, breathing problems, liver and kidney damage (if consumed in excess).
Research on Essiac tea does not offer quality evidence for its use, so its consumption should be with caution. In the treatments, the doctor’s indications must be ensured so that there is a coordination of the medications and the consumption of Esssiac tea.