Red tea is known as pu-erh in its country of origin, China, due to the locality from which it comes. If you like its distinctive flavor, you should know that drinking a cup of red tea has many benefits for you and your body. Among some of its outstanding properties, we find that it is a good depurative, diuretic and helps reduce cholesterol levels and protect digestive health. To learn more about the benefits of red tea, keep reading the following article.
- Drinking red tea after eating is a good remedy, as it facilitates the digestion of copious meals, stimulates the activity of the gallbladder, favoring the elimination of fat from the body. In addition, it exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive tract and can be useful for patients with diarrhea.
- Likewise, red tea, by favoring a rapid elimination of fats and accelerating liver metabolism, can be a good complement to lose weight in diets and slimming plans.
- In addition, as we pointed out, red tea exerts an excellent diuretic and purifying action on the body. On the one hand, it stimulates kidney function, helping to eliminate excess fluids; and on the other, it contains components that accelerate the function of the liver, managing to eliminate all waste and toxins accumulated in the blood.
- Several studies have pointed out that another benefit of red tea is that it can be excellent for reducing triglyceride and cholesterol levels. This property is due to a chemical compound in red tea called lovastatin, which would be responsible for this action. In this sense, drinking two cups of red tea daily for about three or four weeks can be great for keeping blood pressure stable.
- Although red tea contains a lower percentage of caffeine than coffee, it is true that it is stimulating and makes the blood flow properly to the brain but without accelerating the heart rate. It is recommended, therefore, to increase and maintain concentration.
- Another of the greatest benefits of red tea is that it is a powerful antioxidant and, thanks to this, it promotes cell renewal and prevents oxidation, which can turn normal cells into cancerous ones.
- Containing fluoride, red tea is also great for strengthening tooth enamel and preventing cavities. It acts against the accumulation of bacterial plaque and can be effective in preventing ailments or diseases that affect the gums.
Red tea contraindications

In addition to knowing the benefits of red tea, it is also convenient to take into account that it is not good to take it in excess, as well as that it is not highly recommended for anxious people or those who suffer from nervousness and pregnant women.