For centuries this infusion has been drunk in Asian countries and little by little it has grown in followers. It is known that roses have an intoxicating perfume, but also that their petals can be made into tea. It has many benefits, including that it helps eliminate toxins, improves digestive processes, and regulates metabolism so that nutrients are better absorbed. In this post we will mention how to make rose tea taste good .
Roses have amounts of nutrients that benefit health, among them: vitamin C, being the one with the highest composition of all. But it also has others, such as vitamins A, D and E, as well as flavonoids and fatty acids. Among its benefits are:
- It acts as a natural laxative that works against constipation.
- It makes digestion lighter.
- Its antioxidants help protect the skin from free radicals.
- Gives the skin a youthful appearance.
- Minimizes fluid retention.
- Improves metabolism and burns calories.
1. Rose tea
To know how to make rose tea taste good, it is necessary to know how to prepare it in its most common way. You will need 6 rose petals that you can find in some herbalist. When you already have them, follow the following steps:
- We wash the petals well to remove any impurities or toxic elements that they may have.
- let them dry a bit so that its properties are preserved.
- In a saucepan add a cup of water and the 6 rose petals.
- Let boil for about 5 to 10 minutes.
- Once boiled, let it infuse for a few minutes.
- After the minutes, it is served in a cup and that’s it! It only remains to enjoy it.
Its flavor is mild, so if you prefer to sweeten it, let it be with cinnamon or honey. You can drink it 2 to 3 times a day, after each meal.
2. How to make rose tea taste good. rose iced tea
The preparation will take about 10 minutes and will make 2 or 3 servings. The delicate flavor of this rose tea will provide it the water of roses and dried rosebuds. Its ingredients are the following:
- Three tablespoons of black tea.
- Two tablespoons of dried rosebuds.
- Two cups of boiling water.
- Two teaspoons of honey.
- A quarter of a teaspoon of rose water.
The steps to prepare it are:
- Boil the tea and the dried flower buds in water for 5 minutes.
- Strain the preparation and sweeten with honey.
- Let cool for about 3 hours.
- Pour ice into it with the rose water and stir.
3. Rose petal jam or compote
This recipe is part of the modern kitchen, using petals that were previously used as decorative elements. It is now part of an ingredient, just like its flowers. Let’s see how to make rose tea taste good by making this jam.
The ingredients to use are:
- 250 grams of rose petals, preferably red.
- ¼ cup of lemon juice.
- 250 grams of sugar.
- Three tablespoons of water.
- Three tablespoons of rose water.
It is prepared in this way:
- The best petals are taken from the roses and the white part is removed.
- Wash and dry the petals.
- Soak in lemon juice for an hour.
- Place in a pot: water and rose water, sugar and petals.
- Place over heat for ½ hour, stirring until it boils.
- Then, lower the flame and let it boil, at least 3 more times.
- When it reaches a caramel texture, turn off the heat and let it rest for 20 minutes.
- The preparation is placed in sterilized containers and vacuum sealed if not consumed at once.
- They are kept in the fridge for at least 2 hours and eaten with crackers, cheese or toast.
- Prefer the cultivation of organic roses, thus avoiding pesticides.
4. How to make rose tea taste good. rose cake
Tea or jam is not only prepared with roses, but also a delicious cake. The flavor will be given by the rose water.
The ingredients are:
- 90 grams of butter.
- A cup of wheat flour.
- 1 cup of brown sugar.
- A tablespoon of baking powder.
- A teaspoon of sugar.
- Two tablespoons of rose water.
- Four tablespoons of strawberry jam.
- To decorate icing sugar.
Method of preparation:
- The oven must be preheated to 180º.
- Flour 2 equal round molds.
- Beat the sugar and butter. Then add the eggs and butter, continue beating.
- Pour the mixture into both molds and bake them for 25 minutes.
- Let cool and cover with the jam.
- Sprinkle the icing sugar.
5. Rose tea with cinnamon

This preparation is another way to know how to make rose tea taste good . It is prepared by following these steps:
- 10 rose petals should be used.
- In a pot, heat the water, before it starts to boil, add the cinnamon and leave it for a few minutes to release its aroma.
- Add the petals and turn off the flame.
- Let the preparation infuse covered.
With these infusions and other varieties of organic teas you can enjoy the flavor and well-being of bio tea .