Lapsang souchong tea: recipes, uses

Also called Tarry Lapsang, it is a black tea produced in the Fujian region of China. Its production is done by hand from the Camellia sinensis leaf. The tea is roasted in coals with pine wood giving it that flavor that characterizes it. In this post you will learn what Lapsang souchong tea is . Its smoky flavor makes it … Read more

What is Tieguanyin tea?

It is a blue tea that is also known by other names, such as Tie-kuan-yin and Iron Goddes. It is light, sweet, refreshing, vegetable, without astringency or acidity. It is a tea that is not roasted. It is the highest quality Oolong tea, is harvested in spring or autumn and is made by hand. In this post you will … Read more

What is Jin Xuan tea?

Also known as Milk Oolong or blue tea, it is a variety of Oolong tea that has the flavor and aroma of milk. Depending on the production time given by the producer, it may have characteristics of black tea or green tea. In this post you will learn what Jin Xuan tea is . The term blue tea is … Read more

10 Traditional Types of Chinese Teas

Arriving at a precise classification of the teas present in China is somewhat complicated. Although most come from the Camellia sinensis plant, the difference is in how they are processed. The variety of its flavors is influenced by the characteristics and chemical composition of its leaves. In this post we will introduce you to the 10 traditional types … Read more

What is Maghrebi mint tea?

Coming from Morocco, it represents courtesy and hospitality. It is widely consumed in that country and surely every visitor who arrives has tried it. You can taste this excellent drink by trying it in any tea shop. Find out here what Maghrebi mint tea is . In Morocco, if you are offered a cup of tea, you should not refuse … Read more

What is high mountain tea?

Oolong tea is a fresh tea with flavor and aroma, grown in the high mountains of Taiwan. Not everyone knows about this tea, but experts do, and they appreciate it as one of the best. Here we will tell you what high mountain tea is. Among its organoleptic characteristics is its color, which ranges from red to green. It enjoys … Read more

Top 10 Teas from China

In the 1950s, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture published a list they called “China’s 10 Great Teas.” This list was intended to make a selection, according to the criteria that prevailed at that time, of the best teas that were produced in China and that best represented its exalted tea culture. It is impossible to talk … Read more

Gunpowder tea: all you need to know

The world of green tea gives a lot of itself. On this occasion, we return to our beloved China to talk about one of its endless teas: the one known (at least in the West) as Gunpowder. The leaves of this tea are characterized by a peculiar rounded shape, which makes it resemble a pellet. If you have been … Read more

Chrysanthemum tea: the uses of this Chinese remedy, recipe

Chrysanthemum tea has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to combat various ailments, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, coronary problems, and bacterial infections. But do these uses have any scientific basis? Next, we will tell you what chrysanthemum tea is for and if there is any guarantee that supports its uses. Now, … Read more