Honeybush tea: Flavor, uses and recipes

This tea is made with the bush that occurs in a South African area called Cedarberg and Langkloof, it is also known as “honey bush” or honeycomb tea. The infusion made with its leaves, stem and flowers is very similar to Rooibos tea. Here you will learn what Honeybush tea is , flavor, uses and recipes.

If you like Rooibos tea, you will surely like the honeybush, in addition to having the same origin, does not contain tannins or caffeine. The shrub it comes from is the Fynbos biome, which grows wild in the Cedarberg and Langloof mountains. Because of its growth, there are already families that cultivate it in their orchards. To maintain its properties, its harvest is done by hand.

Although it is not yet as popular as other teas, at least there is scientific interest in investigating its benefits and properties. Among them, the amount of minerals it has and its high content of antioxidants. It is said to protect skin cells against ultraviolet (UV) rays, improve its elasticity and keep it hydrated.

Honeybush tea flavor

For hundreds of years, South African settlers were very interested in learning about the medicinal properties of honeybush tea . The use of this tea is likely to have originated from the indigenous Khoisan people.

The fermented leaves and stems are used to prepare honeycomb tea. Its taste is described by drinkers as something roasted and similar to honey. Although it resembles Rooibos tea, it is sweeter and has more body. The flavor that you give to honey bush It will depend on how you prepare it and the leaves you use for it.

benefits of honeybush tea

Drinking Honeybush tea frequently leads to a number of long-term health benefits.

  • High in antioxidants. The largest antioxidants it contains are phenolics that play an important role against oxidative stress that damages the body’s cells. In addition to strengthening the immune system, it is excellent against aging.
  • Natural anti-inflammatory. There are studies that confirm the effectiveness of phenolics in reducing inflammation and chronic inflammatory diseases, such as Crohn’s disease.
  • Relieves symptoms associated with menopause. By having phytoestrogenic compounds, it fulfills a role similar to that of estrogen in the body. Therefore, it is effective in relieving symptoms of menopause and some types of cancer.
  • Prevents the growth of tumors. Among its effects is that of inhibiting the growth of tumors, although it is said that green tea is better in terms of its effectiveness. However, honeybush tea came in second as most effective.
  • Antiviral and antibacterial. Protects the immune system, fights and prevents many diseases, thanks to its phenolic compounds that inhibit oxidative stress. In addition, it is said to be effective in relieving bronchial problems or treating coughs. The latter is due to the pinitol it contains and which works as an expectorant.
  • Antidiabetic properties. It is another of the functions of pinitol, to reduce blood sugar levels. Its effects are similar to that of insulin, which is why it is considered an effective medication for diabetes.
  • Improves bone health. Bone metabolism is benefited by the mangiferin and hesperidin compounds contained in the tea. Also hesperidin that protects bone osteoblasts from oxidative damage.

Honeybush Tea Recipes

With this honeybush tea recipe you will be able to appreciate its sweet and refreshing flavor.

honeybush milk tea


  • 5 grams of honeybush tea.
  • 85 grams of milk of your preference.
  • honey to taste

To prepare it, follow these steps:

  1. Infuse for 5 minutes in water at 87ºC the 5 grams of tea.
  2. Mix the honey with the milk and froth it with a whisk.
  3. Pour the infusion in the cup and add the foamed milk.
  4. Let’s drink!

traditional honeybush tea

You can find bags of this tea at any store, be it online or where they sell teas. If you opt for the sachets with honey bushes, you just have to follow the instructions. They also sell loose leaves to be consumed in a hot or cold drink.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. Place dried honeybush tea leaves in the bottom of a teacup .
  2. You can do it in a kettle, but if you don’t have one, boil the water and let it stand for a few minutes.
  3. Pour the water over the cup with the leaves.
  4. Let rest for a few minutes so that the leaves release their nutrients.
  5. Strain the preparation and drink.
  6. The leaves can be reused for another cup of tea.

Side effects of honeybush tea

It is not yet known about the effects that drinking honeybush tea could cause . However, any prepared herb that you want to use to treat any disease, it is necessary to consult your doctor. This is especially important if you are taking any medication, because it can act with the enzymes that metabolize it.

On the other hand, some microbial infections have manifested during the fermentation process. But this can be avoided by steeping the tea in water at 60ºC, thus ensuring that it is safe to drink.

Finally, due to little research on its side effects, it is not advisable to drink it when pregnant or lactating. Honeybush tea is caffeine free and can be drunk warm on cold days or iced on hot days.

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