Today we have set out to analyze the main recommendations that circulate about when to drink red tea and separate the verified information from the myths that surround this infusion.
Red tea, or pu-erh, is considered a medicinal herb in China. For this reason, its consumption is recommended to treat all kinds of ailments ranging from high cholesterol and blood sugar levels to degenerative diseases. Let’s see together when drinking red tea is the best option.
A cup of red tea for breakfast to lose weight
There are many studies that indicate that regular intake of tea would contribute to weight loss.
The use of teas such as green or red as a supplement in diets is common. There are studies that document the properties of red tea to influence the process of fat absorption by the body. In other words, red tea would prevent part of the dietary fat from being metabolized and, in turn, becoming excess weight.
Now, why should you drink red tea specifically in the morning? The reality is that there is no research to support this claim. In fact, specialists maintain that the properties of red tea to contribute to weight loss would be related to its polyphenols, and these do not act differently depending on the time of day in which the infusion is consumed.
An advice? Drink your pu-erh whenever you feel like it. Of course, remember that if you drink it after meals you will be favoring its action on the fats in food.
Drink red tea before exercising
One of the recommendations that we have found the most is to use red tea as an ally of exercise to lose weight. As we have already pointed out in the previous point, the properties of this infusion can be useful for this purpose.
We have not found any studies that can confirm that the effects of red tea are maximized when taken before exercise.
Some sources maintain that taking it before exercising activates thermogenesis and therefore burns a greater volume of fat. Others assure that its consumption after exercise would enhance this effect.
Our opinion? Drinking red tea can help you maximize the effect of exercise, no matter when you drink it. Of course, keep in mind that pu-erh has a known diuretic effect that can bother you if you drink it before starting your pilates class or going to the gym.
Pu-erh in the morning or after lunch
Did you know that pu-erh has a stimulating effect that could help you stay focused for long periods of time? For this reason, we recommend drinking it at breakfast or after meals.
If you feel super tired after your meal and can’t keep your eyes open at the office, red tea can be a good option as its caffeine content can help clear your mind.
Red tea accompanying meals
Due to its fat-burning effect, we have read in some places the recommendation to accompany meals with red tea.
In this case, there is also no scientific evidence that the beneficial effects of red tea change when taken with food.
One factor that has been documented is the relationship between tea consumption and anemia. Tea, taken as an accompaniment to food, hinders the absorption of iron. This is not important in most cases, but it is better to avoid it if you suffer from anemia.
In short, you better choose to drink it after eating and, incidentally, enjoy the after-meal conversation with your family and/or friends.
Before bed, a good cup of red tea
You may sound contradictory, as the caffeine content of tea is well known. However, there are reasons to think that this statement is not as misguided as it seems.
On the one hand, several studies have indicated that pu erh is a tea with a low concentration of theine, far behind the levels found in black and green tea.
On the other hand, if you are nervous, nothing better than a red tea. One of the components of red tea, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), has a proven anxiolytic effect. Thus, this infusion would be useful in case of nerves, anxiety and stress.
Of course, if you are sensitive to caffeine and/or suffer from insomnia, its consumption would be contraindicated.
The infusion to drink if you have cholesterol

Although the relationship between the consumption of red tea and lower cholesterol is not entirely clear, a clinical trial in 2009 found that people who regularly ingested this infusion had better blood cholesterol values, surely as a consequence of the fat-blocking function of tea. Thus, it could be an excellent option to control cholesterol and protect cardiovascular health.
In conclusion, red tea is an extremely healthy tea that can provide endless benefits to your health. Drink it to take care of your health in general and to achieve specific goals such as weight loss.