8 infusions for cough

Many people use a wide variety of herbal teas to treat persistent coughing. These are some of the most popular cough infusions: Tea with honey It is a very popular remedy, which has been used to combat coughs for many years, and its use is hot water with a little honey. Some studies show that honey relieves coughs. Treatments for children’s … Read more

Infusions to lower cholesterol in the body

This lipid exists naturally throughout the body. The liver is responsible for producing 80 percent of the cholesterol that the body needs. There are foods such as meat and milk, which contain the rest of the cholesterol that the body acquires. Lipoproteins are a mixture of lipids with proteins that run through the blood emulsifying cholesterol in order … Read more

10 infusions for headache

It seems not, but when it comes to taking an infusion, our attitude and the environment around us are very important to fight against headaches. You should be in a quiet place and take it easy.Who has not had a headache at some time in their life? This symptom usually appears in situations of stress, anxiety or fatigue. Because … Read more

How to prepare a healthy and effective infusion

Many plants and herbs that grow in any garden have healing effects, but how can you prepare these herbal teas and make them effective? Many different plants have been used as infusions for centuries and are not only found in pharmacies. It pays to go wide-eyed through the garden or park, as there are many herbs to … Read more

What is the Ayurvedic Infusion and who benefits?

Infusions are a powerful alternative to detoxify, as it helps cleanse the body. Ayurvedic medicine gives great importance to infusions, due to the great power that plants have to heal and regulate the body. In this post you will know what is the ayurvedic infusion and who benefits. The Ayurvedic system is very old, since it is … Read more

Lemon Infusion: Uses and benefits

The Citrus lemon or lemon tree is a small tree that can reach a height of more than 4 meters. Its fruit is lemon, an edible fruit with an acid flavor and extremely fragrant that is used in food. The lemon is native to Asia and was unknown to the Greeks and Romans. Its cultivation was not … Read more

Luisa grass: properties, uses and benefits

Lemon verbena is native to lands in South America such as Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. However, it is also cultivated in southern Europe, as it grows well in this area. What is Luisa Grass? The Lemon verbena or verbena infusion has numerous names, some of them very different such as Verbena . In Europe it is known as ” Verbena ” and in … Read more

Properties and benefits of the Infusion of Red Fruits

The Infusion of Red Fruits special for Hospitality The immense family of red fruits is made up of strawberries, cherries or currants. Their name is related to the intense characteristic color they possess. However, there are other fruits such as blueberries and blackberries that are almost blue, but fall into this family. In this post you will learn … Read more