What is black tea? Flavor, uses and recipes

It is one of the most popular types of tea in the West, probably because of its flavor and properties. It also includes several varieties such as English and Earl Grey. The countries that produce a large percentage of this type of tea are India and Sri Lanka. It can be taken hot and cold. In this post we will tell you what black tea is , flavor, uses and recipes.

What is black tea

The black tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant, before being processed and dried, its leaves are completely oxidized. During its process, the leaves acquire a dark brown color and give it its characteristic flavor. This type of tea is usually considered astringent, strong and energetic.

It was discovered in China in the mid-17th century, and was the first tea to be introduced to the West and the Middle East. In addition, its production was extended to other countries driven by Scots, English and adventurers who stole its plants and seeds in China and took them to their countries.

The first English black tea companies used slaves, and they began to use specialized machinery that allowed them not to depend on skilled dyers. Then, over time, its production spread to other countries, such as: India, Kenya and Sri Lanka, then it went to others such as: Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil and Rwanda. In China, black tea is known as Hong Cha due to the reddish color that its liquor and infusion adopts. However, in the East its consumption is less than green tea.

What uses is given to black tea

Black tea can be drunk both hot and cold. For example, in the United States it is most often consumed as iced tea. It is also often drunk as black tea with milk , neat or with sugar. English breakfast, masala chai and Assam black tea are included with milk or sugar. However, drinks with lemon and sugar are usually with Earl Gray tea (which is not consumed with milk), Ceylon ice cream and Nilgiri.

Black tea is usually included at breakfast and in the afternoon with a snack. In addition, its flavors make it ideal for western cuisine and it combines very well with some Thai, Indian and African foods.

The main use of black tea is to stay alert and energize, many people take it instead of coffee. In addition, there are various scientific studies that show that it is effective in this way, due to its caffeine content and certain stimulant substances called theophylline. Both compounds increase your heart rate and make you feel more alert.

Benefits of black tea

The oxidation process of black tea makes it contain more caffeine than other of its variants, ranging between 2 and 4%. In addition, it is a drink high in antioxidants (polyphenols and catechins) and has two more compounds that promote health: theaflavins and thearubigins. If consumed frequently you can get the following benefits of black tea:

  • It’s exhilarating. Its caffeine levels are very balanced, more than in other teas, including coffee. In addition, clinical trials indicate that it improves alertness, physical performance, attention and cognitive ability.
  • Strengthens the bones. Certain studies show that black tea can help build bone mass, especially in women over 65 years of age. It is also said that drinking it decreases the risk of hip fractures.
  • It is antioxidant and moisturizes the skin. There are studies that link its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to giving better skin health. Rinsing your face with black tea improves skin moisture and shine. It is also effective against dry skin and age spots.
  • It favors the intestinal microbiota. It has a significant impact on the intestinal microbiota, which allows the development of “good” bacteria. These promote the proper functioning of the intestine, stimulate the production of vitamins, energy and the absorption of nutrients.
  • It helps to lose weight. Black tea to lose weight occurs due to the alteration that occurs on energy metabolism, favoring the digestive process and thus helping in weight loss. Both black tea or green tea can be used to lose weight, as well as black tea with cinnamon to lose weight with the same effectiveness.
  • Against atherosclerosis. People who drink three cups of tea a day have a 21% lower risk of having a cardiovascular accident. It also prevents hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

Recipes with black tea

There are various recipes that can be prepared with this delicious tea. The most common preparations are usually iced tea, they are very popular recipes. Easy to prepare and can be enjoyed throughout the year. Here are 2 of them.

Black tea with rose water

It is a preparation with a subtle flavor of roses and rosebuds. These can be found where they sell herbal tea.


3 teaspoons of Nilgiri black tea.

2 teaspoons of dried rosebuds.

2 cups of boiling water.

¼ tablespoon of rose water.


  1. Add the tea leaves and flower buds to boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Strain the preparation and add honey.
  3. Pour ice over it, add the rose water. He stirs and serves.

thai iced black tea

The style of preparation is creamy, most Thai restaurants serve it. It is also known as Cha Yen, Cha Nom Yen or Cha Yen Sai Nom.


2 tablespoons of leaves black tea.

Star anise.


½ cinnamon stick.

1/8 vanilla pod.

¼ almond extract.

1 cup of boiling water.

1 spoon of sugar.

1 tablespoon of condensed milk.

2 tablespoons of evaporated milk.


  1. Combine all the ingredients.
  2. You must soak the tea, star anise, cinnamon stick, vanilla pod and vanilla extract in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  3. Then proceed to strain the tea.
  4. Add sugar and condensed milk until completely dissolved.
  5. Pour into two glasses filled with ice and drizzle evaporated milk into each glass.

Contraindications of black tea

Below are the  contraindications of black tea:

  • Having theine for some people is contraindicated.
  • Due to its astringent effect, it can cause gastrointestinal health problems.
  • The tannins in black tea can cause constipation.
  • People suffering from anemia should know that black tea has contraindications that could worsen your condition.
  • Black tea with cinnamon contraindications for pregnant women, lactating women and people who suffer from high blood pressure (due to its high alkaloid content).

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