What is Camellia Sinensis?

we always talk about black tea, green tea, White tea and blue tea but, what is behind all these denominations? The answer is simple: the camellia sinensis. Its leaves are bright green with closed edges. When the plant is allowed to flower, it produces small white flowers with bright yellow stamens, however, it is normally prevented from flowering during cultivation … Read more

Tea production methods: the “CTC” method

The “CTC” Tea Production Method Crush-Tear-Curl (shredded, shredded and rolled) is a very different process than orthodox method that we have explained above. The five processing steps are done in the orthodox method, which are done with CTC, much faster and in a limited way, CTC was invented specifically for the food industry. black tea, to save time … Read more

Tea stimulants and calories

The oxidation of tea leaves causes the presence of other positive antioxidants, such as theaflavins and terubigins, or what is the same, they are polymeric polyphenols that are formed when oxidation changes the enzymes present in tea leaves.   Tea Amino Acids The tea contains an extraordinary stimulant that is L-theanine, an amino acid that only … Read more

What are mocktails? teas to make mocktails

It is really interesting how innovation around teas is motivating us to develop and discover a greater variety of options. Such is the case of mocktails, a particular combination that can be made with coffee and infusions. The idea is to combine different ingredients to obtain a delicious non-alcoholic cocktail. Perfect to share in a chat or meeting, without … Read more